Meet the Class of 2018’s Representatives
September 28, 2017
The endowment goal of the Class of 2018 is to raise at least $50,000. Photo Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online
On Friday, Sept. 22, the Class of 2018 voted amongst their senior classmates to represent them during the 2017-2018 school year. Responsibilities of the representatives include leading the class in endowment events such as Movie on the Lawn and the Academy Awards, and presenting a final endowment check at Senior Honors Convocation.
The Senior Class Representatives for the Class of 2018 are:

Name: Gillian Garcia (’18)
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position? “I decided to run for my position because I wanted to best represent our class.” says Garcia.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class? “I hope to make our senior class the best that it can be, and be the best example for the underclassmen.” says Garcia.
What are you most excited for for senior year? “I am most excited for our class to be accepted to our colleges, every senior night, and the fun activities we get to do.” says Garcia.

Name: Sam Garateix (’18)
Position: Senior Class Vice President
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position? “I really wanted to be a part of leading the senior class. Being a leader is something that comes naturally to me, so it’s important that I try my best to be a part of this leadership community.” says Garateix.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class? “I hope to help create better connections between the teachers and senior class, and to make communications more fluid. I also hope to get the seniors really excited about helping others and contributing to the senior endowment.” says Garateix.
What are you most excited for for senior year? “I am excited to spend time with everyone this year and try to make every moment of this last year last.” says Garateix.

Name: Evelyn Martinez (’18)
Position: Senior Class Vice President
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position? “I love being involved with my class and this seemed to be a perfect opportunity to work together with everyone.” says Martinez.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class? “I hope that I am able to help the seniors and faculty have a better relationship and to improve our communication with each other.” says Martinez.
What are you most excited for for senior year? “I am excited to make new memories with my classmates in our last year together and to enjoy every second of senior year.” says Martinez.

Name: Talia Alta-Ruth Sharrieff (’18)
Position: Senior Class Vice President
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position? “I decided to run for VP because I have a passion for planning events and I’d love to give back to my class because they’ve done so much for me.” says Sharreiff.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class? “I hope to use my smile and charisma to add some fun and positive energy to this stressful time for our class!” says Sharreiff.
What are you most excited for for senior year? “I’m most excited for my mom to see my farewell video at Mother-Daugher in February.” says Sharreiff.

Name: Gretchen Swenson (’18)
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position? “I wanted to give my class a voice by representing them as a vice president. It was important to me to make sure that everyone feels represented and included.” says Swenson.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class? “I want our senior class to get closer and raise a lot of money for the senior endowment this year” says Swenson.
What are you most excited for for senior year? “I am most excited for college acceptances and planning for the future. I also am very excited for all of the graduation activities and traditions Academy has.” says Swenson.

Name: Lyric Vickers (’18)
Position: Senior Class Vice President
Years at Academy: Four
Why did you decide to run for your position?: “I wanted to be a part of Academy in a bigger way by helping our class with what we need and to be the leader that I am born to be.” says Vickers.
What changes do you hope to make for your senior class?: “I hope to get all my senior sisters (and I mean ALL of them) to get involved with school activities.” says Vickers.
What are you most excited for the senior year?: “I am ready for the events that bring the whole school together and show our sisterhood!” says Vickers.