Junior Class Presents Ethical Issue Projects
May 15, 2017
Over the past month, Felix Kalinowski’s Junior Ethics classes have been working on projects on moral issues. Each student has to present a 20-30 minute presentation on an ethical issue to their class, and each presentation had to include background, important facts, varying opinions, the Church’s thoughts, and appropriate media on the topic.

Kalinowski said, “My take on my class is to not have to stand up and lecture you guys on what is right, and what is wrong. You are almost adults, if you haven’t listened to what’s right and wrong before now, you sure aren’t going to listen to me of all people say it this far on in your life. I wanted the Junior class to realize that they are going to have to go out into this world, and face oppositions to their thoughts and it may hit them like a brick wall. I decided to do this project so we could have an open forum on issues in a controlled environment, but not so controlled that people were afraid to voice their opinions.”
The most popular topics included abortion, gun control, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and homosexuality, with each of these topics in multiple sets. Junior, Kelsie Killian knew instantly that she wanted to do her presentation on abortion and enthusiastically prepared for her presentation and embraced her topic.
Killian said, “I feel really passionately about abortion and the pro-life movement, so that topic was obviously my top choice. As nerve wracking as it is, sharing my views, which happen to coincide with the Church’s views, and sharing why the pro-life movement is so important to me is an amazing opportunity. This project has also opened my eyes to the many issues that I wasn’t fully aware of, and wasn’t fully aware of how much they may impact me.”
Pray for a culture of life! #nationaldayofprayer pic.twitter.com/Q5s1mbgWzs
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) May 4, 2017
Mr. Kalinowski’s ideas have been inspiring not only to his Junior students, but to his fellow teachers.
Theology teacher, Mrs. Jamie Meyer said, “Mr. K comes up with the greatest ways to allow you all to connect with your coursework and express your ideas. I think it’s important that you all were able to go out and research moral issues and develop your own ideas, rather than listening to someone telling you what you should believe. I’m genuinely proud of how unafraid you all are to stand up for what you believe in and glad to see Mr. K encouraging that.”
Guidance Counselor, Ms. Emily Pantellis said, “I sat in on Cayla Lowrey’s presentation during Set 2 one day, and was blown away by her ability to talk so passionately about what she believes in, and blown away by how engaged the class was. I am so happy that Mr. K is doing this as an assignment because it opens eyes to the opposing sides of moral issues, and may be able to persuade some to change their views.”
Although many members of the Junior class had opposing views on a multiplicity of the topics presented, each and every classmate supported and encouraged their sisters to stand up for what they believe in and to go forth make an impact in any way they can.