Interesting Things in Teachers Classrooms
October 17, 2017
The Academy community is full of a unique people, especially the teachers and faculty. Their classrooms and office shelves are full of interesting things that tell stories.
Erin Krukar, Assistant Principal, has Audrey Diaz’s mole dressed as Alexander Hamilton in her office.
Krukar says, “Audrey Diaz (‘18) gave me her mole project named Alexander Ha-mole-ton after mole day her sophomore year.”

Diaz named her mole after the hit Broadway play, Hamilton, a story about the life of Alexander Hamilton.
Rebeca Zambrano has a model of the human body in her classroom for her Anatomy class.
Zambrano says, “Anatomy class uses the human body model to learn the body parts, and it comes apart to see the organs inside.”

Rhonda Wisniewski, scheduling coordinator, has pictures of Israel that were taken by her father-in-law after he had cancer.
Wisniewski says, “My father-in-law has had cancer three times. The first two times, his goal after completing chemotherapy was to travel to Israel and photograph all the beauty around him. Sadly the third time cancer struck, he did not make it. He gave the photographs from his Israel trip to my husband and I.”

Taking pictures of pretty things he saw brought Wisniewski’s father in law peace.
Anne Mikos, math teacher, has a “furry corner” of her office dedicated to her love of animals and her favorite animal book.
Mikos says, “The picture of my dog is my favorite part of my furry corner.”

Mikos’ dog is eight years old and named Abby.
Jamie Meyer, Religion teacher, recently received a written letter in the mail from her five year old grand daughter.
Meyer says, “I keeps it on my desk so I can see it everyday. ”

This is Meyer’s youngest grandchild.