Student Council Announces Christmas Formal Venue
December 1, 2017
Leto toured the venue approximately one month ago with two other members of council. (Photo Credit: Mia Leto/used with permission)
With a convocation skit on Monday Nov. 27, 2017, Academy’s student council announced that the retro themed 2017 Christmas Formal dance will be held at Pattini’s Bistro and Skate. The dance is from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Students must arrive by 8:30 p.m., and may leave anytime after 10:30 p.m.
To go with the retro, 1970’s theme of both the venue and the event itself, student council members wrote and performed a parody to the popular television show, “That 70’s Show”. Characters like Eric, Donna, Kelso, Jackie, Fez, and more revealed important information and reviewed dance guidelines to the student body.
Hanna Skelly (‘19) shares her thoughts, saying, “When they said the dance would be in Brady Center, that threw me a bit, but overall I thought the skit was really funny. I loved the retro theme, props to whoever came up with that.”
Christmas Formal Committee Chair, Mia Leto (‘18), worked alongside her committee to select the perfect venue for the annual event.
Leto says, “Pattini’s is a very unique and cool space that is different than any other venues I have seen. While touring it, I knew that this was a venue where students would have an awesome time and that it would be a night to remember.”