Academy Formal Dance Horror Stories
December 1, 2017
“I got home at like one in the morning after giving Mickey’s (left) keys back to her; it was rough.” – Katherine Nitchals (right) (’18)
Academy’s Formal dance brings an opportunity for students to dress up, take a break from exam stress, and dance the night away with friends or a date. However, it also can bring awkward, sometimes hilarious circumstances.
I was late to pictures
“I was running late to formal pictures already, but when I got there, I remembered I forgot the boutonniere. My mom and I decided to turn around and go back home to get it. When I got back, everyone was waiting for me.” – Nina Alberdi (‘18)

I went with my ex-boyfriend
“My boyfriend and I broke up before Formal, but he still wanted to go. We missed pictures because my mom and I had to go pick him up – most awkward car ride of my life.” – Blakely Byrd (‘19)

My date ditched me
“Freshman year, my date left me and sat outside on a bench on Bayshore for the entire dance.” – Abby Rodriguez (‘18)

I fell on the dance floor
“Sophomore year, I slipped on the floor while dancing with Gretchen and all the teachers gave me the look.” – Christina Suarez Solar (‘18)

I stranded my friend
“I was in stranded in Valrico with [my friend] Mickey’s car keys and left her alone in the Palma Ceia parking lot for several hours.” – Katherine Nitchals (‘18)

I fell
“I was walking down some really steep stairs when I slipped and grabbed my date – my face slammed into his arm. Later, I looked at his jacket and there was makeup all over it.” – Christina Alarcon (‘18)