School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Tips for Exam Preparation

December 1, 2017

An important thing to remember when studying is to relax and believe in yourself. Photo Credit: Alexa Traviesa/ACHONAOnline

Photo credits: Alexa Traviesa with (achona staff)

An important thing to remember when studying is to relax and believe in yourself. Photo Credit: Alexa Traviesa/ACHONAOnline

Exam week is one of the most stressful times in high school. Academy girls scramble for extra credit points or anything to help give grades a final push for a better grade. The only thing that helps push Academy girls to get through finals week is the fact that Christmas break comes right after.

Learning specialists Olivia Martinez and Dr. Julie Omodio-Griess sent out email reminders to all the Academy high school girls about how NOT cram and stress as exam week approaches.

The best time to create an exam planner is at least two weeks before exams. Photo Credit: Alexa Traviesa/Achona Online

Learning specialist, Dr. Griess, says, “When studying, go to a place that is the least distracting and not as comfortable as being at home; for example, a library.”

Gabby Delp (‘18) says, “I usually start studying a week in advance and I use quizlet, read the textbook, class notes, or a study guide; color coding helps me a ton.”

Photo Credits: Alexa Traviesa/Achona Online 
Color coding improves the recall of information.

Breanna Vanderleelie (‘20) says, “Before I study, I make sure I have set aside the time and planned out my study days. I make study guides, flashcards, and quizlets, and every 30 minutes I take breaks, depending on the subject.”

Photo Credits: Alexa Traviesa/Achona Online 
The use of flashcards help the brain remember facts in a more sufficient way.

One helpful tip in boosting grades last minute is to make sure that any missing  homework grades are completed and turned in, because some teachers allow students to re-submit any missing work in order to help boost grades. Still, not all teachers may be this generous.

 Always remember to stay calm and work hard. Do not be afraid to take breaks. The brain needs time to breathe and  absorb all the information studied. Ask friends to help with study guides and create productive study groups. Studying can be overwhelming, to be afraid to go to the learning specialists, Olivia Martinez and Dr. Griess, for extra study tips and help.
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