School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Students and Faculty Choose Lenten Promises

February 9, 2018

Photo Credit: Juliana Ferrie/Achona Online

Lent lasts 40 days and ends on Easter Sunday, which is when the Church celebrates Jesus’ Resurrection.

Lent, which lasts 40 days, is an important time of preparation for Catholics. Leading up to the Easter season, Lent is a time of reflection in order to strengthen the bond between God and the members of His Church. In addition, a major part of Lent involves contemplating the sacrifice Jesus made for the world. In order to save the people of the world from their sins, Jesus was crucified. Before Easter Sunday, which commemorates Jesus’ Resurrection, Catholics imagine Jesus’ suffering on Good Friday.

Dayzha Cartwright (‘19) said, “I think that Lent is beneficial for Catholics because it allows us to sacrifice something that we love, and it allows us to make a promise to God to become better people. I think Lent is important because Jesus gave up so much for us, and it’s only fair for us to return the favor.”


In order to prepare for Jesus’ Resurrection, it is important for Catholics to pray, fast, and give alms. It is common to choose something to give up during Lent, but some people choose to start something new. The practice that is given up or started is called a Lenten promise, and its purpose is to help strengthen Church members’ faith.

On Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018, Lent will officially begin. Academy students and faculty have begun to contemplate their choices for their Lenten promises this year.

Some students chose to give up particular food items items and restaurants during Lent in order to challenge themselves. The students chose something that they love in order to make their sacrifice meaningful.

Olivia Mortellaro (‘21) said, “This year, I am going to give up Starbucks for my Lenten promise because it is something that I drink often, and it will be a challenge for me to give it up.”

Sofia Tweed (‘20) said, “Since I’m running Track and Cross Country this year, I would like to cut out sweets for 40 days as my Lenten promise to both better myself and to challenge myself. On top of that, I plan on making more time for prayer every night during the Lent season.”

In addition, students and faculty haven chosen Lenten promises that encourage them to add something new to their daily routine. These promises also serve to strengthen the person spiritually.

Theology teacher Brian Butterly said, “The Church asks us to sacrifice, pray more, and give alms to the poor during the season of Lent. In keeping with that tradition, I am going to add reading The Passion of Christ to my daily routine.”

Kaela Ramos (‘21) said, “My Lenten promise is to perform community service more often in order to improve the community rather than just to fulfill school requirements.”

Math teacher Jessica Lamm said, “My Lenten promise is to be more patient at the request of one of my students.”

Olivia Perez (‘20) said, “My Lenten promise is to find something positive in every day and record it in this app I have. I think that this is an important Lenten promise for me to fulfill because it will help me to see all the things I have to be thankful for.”

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