Uniform Changes Coming in 2018-2019 School Year
March 8, 2018

Photo Credits: Lauren Pieper/Achona Online
Though there is going to be a uniform change, the navy sweatshirts will remain the same. Photo Credit: Lauren Pieper/Achona Online
Over the past decades, AHN has gone through many uniform changes, and the present era of Academy is no exception. The 2018-2019 school year will introduce a new uniform shirt to all the students. It will consist of a baby blue dry fit shirt, and incoming freshmen can expect a newly implemented mass uniform.

In 1978, these blue dresses were the school uniform.
Principal Stephanie Nitchals says, “It isn’t the whole uniform, it is just a different shirt because the white ones get very dingy. The one we chose is blue and dry fit. They should stand up much better to washing.”
Each student will be required to make this change no matter what grade level they are in.
Assistant Principal Erin Krukar said, “Everyone will have to purchase these because we are ready to get rid of the white shirts. Since it is just one part of the uniform, we feel okay requiring that.”
The students of AHN are a bit unsure of the change.
“Although I don’t like the color, I think the new uniforms will be a good change,” said Bella Ferrie (‘21).

Another new addition to the uniform will be for incoming freshman only.
“Students will have a mass uniform option between the yellow shirt and a new white mass shirt that is a lot more comfortable than the old white one. Only the incoming freshmen will be required to wear the new white shirt with the yellow sweater,” Krukar said.
Some students are optimistic about the idea of a new shirt.
Incoming freshman Eva Schillinger (‘22) said, “I’m open to the idea of new uniforms for school as long as they aren’t more expensive than the uniforms they have now and that they are comfy.”

Being modeled by Angie Prince (’21) is the new, blue and dry fit uniform shirt.
There is another new uniform item; however, no student will be required to purchase the newly added bottom option.
Krukar said, “We are offering shorts, but they are not required. Students can either wear the shorts, pants, or skort each day besides mass days, which is the skort only.”
The idea of shorts will be something that will take some getting used to for some who are already satisfied with their bottoms options.
“I will not be purchasing the shorts because I prefer the skirt,” said Ferrie.
As of right now, there is not a happy or displeased attitude towards the look of the new uniforms because not many students are even aware of what they look like.
“I know many girls in my grade who are moving up to Academy’s high school will be critical of the new uniforms because I know they like the ones the high schoolers have now. I don’t know exactly what they look like, so I’m not even sure how I feel about them,” said Schillinger.
There cannot be any hand-me-downs of the shirt of mass uniforms because of this new change, and some have mixed feelings about that.
Schillinger is happy she will have her own, new uniforms.
She said, “I know that after four years of wear, my sister’s uniforms can’t be in great shape, so I’m fine not taking her old clothes.”
The uniforms will still be able to be purchased at Risse Brothers, and should be in the store sometime in May and throughout the rest of the summer.