Upperclassmen Choose Alternatives For Formal
December 13, 2018
This years theme for winter formal is “A Night In Paris” every year the theme and location is chosen by Student Counsel. Photo Credit: Regan O’Leary/Achona Online
AHN’s Christmas Formal will be held this year on December 21, 2018, at The Tampa Museum of Art. Formal is always held at unique locations around the Tampa Bay area, which are announced only weeks before the event. In past years, formal has been an event that Academy students look forward to attending; however, this year many of the upperclassmen have decided not to attend.
Many students believe that it is too expensive to attend both formal and prom, so they decided on an alternative activity for the night. For example, some girls are going to dinner with their AHN sisters instead of attending the dance.
“We are all going to dinner and a movie this year instead of formal, we are making it a girls night to celebrate the first night of winter break,” said Grace Anthony (‘20).
Some girls are also unable to attend because of how late the date is this year, “I am going out of town this year for Christmas on the day of formal so I can not go, I’m upset that I am unable to go because it is my last formal,” said Emily Abdoney (‘19).
“I love Christmas Formal, but I am not going because I’m also planning on attending prom this year” said Kelsey Barton (‘19). Barton feels that most of the upperclassmen not attending feel as if it is expensive to go to both prom and formal therefore they choose one. The price of tickets this year is $55 with a date and $50 for a single ticket.
“Last year after I bought my dress, shoes, got my hair, nails and makeup done, paid for the limo and dinner, and my ticket I spent close to $350,” said Katie Jones (‘19).
“I’ve gone to formal every year since I was a freshman and I’d rather spend the money on prom this year since it will be my last high school dance ever,” said Jones.
Some students also felt that this year the forms and money were due with little notice ahead of time, “I missed the deadline to turn in the form for my date so I am not going” said Grace Buckhorn (‘19).
However, the night will still be attended by underclassmen as well as upperclassmen
“I am excited to attend formal this year because it is my first year going, I am taking one of my best friends and I’m excited for him to get to know all my AHN sisters” said Tess Ricco (‘20)