In total, Achona has 15 staff writers this year, including 12 seniors, two juniors, and one sophomore. ((Photo Credit: Juliana Ferrie/Achona Online/Piktochart))
In total, Achona has 15 staff writers this year, including 12 seniors, two juniors, and one sophomore.

(Photo Credit: Juliana Ferrie/Achona Online/Piktochart)

An Open Letter to Achona

May 3, 2019

Dear Achona,

For the past three years, you have been a constant in my life: the class that I would always look forward to, the time table I could always depend on, and the thing that I could put my all into. I started writing for you as a timid sophomore, one who was afraid to speak up and to step outside of her self-built box. However, I end my time with you as a self-assured senior, one who is confident in her beliefs, unafraid to express her ideas, and comfortable enough to think creatively. I end my time with you as a young woman who has grown significantly since her time as a Sophomore Staff Writer – a growth which I can contribute mostly to you.

(Photo Credit: Jaclyn McCauley/Used with Permission)
Achona launched online in 2010, but the newspaper’s print edition dates back to 1940.

In so many different ways, you have pushed me out of my comfort zone. As someone who always preferred staying out of the limelight, you gave me the chance to learn that my voice is not something I need to hide. Instead, you taught me that there is power behind everyone’s point of view, and that power can be channeled into series of words and collections of phrases. You gave me the chance to put my best foot forward, and I hope that I did so over the course of my last 72 stories. It is hard to believe that the 73rd will be my last.

When other seniors are asked about their favorite memory of Academy, many might hesitate. Personally, there is no doubt in my mind what my answer will be: Achona. To me, Achona has always been so much more than just our school newspaper. Achona has been my outlet, my chance to gain perspective, and most importantly, my way to fulfill my passion.

Achona has given me some of my best friends in the entire world: a group of passionate, determined girls with a desire to make an impact not only on their school community, but also the world. You, Achona, united your writers under your mission and made us stronger in many ways along the way.

(Photo Credit: Mei Lamison (’20)/Used with Permission)
This year, there were a total of 12 Senior Staff Writers.

To this year’s Achona staff, thank you for the time, the dedication, and the effort you have put into this year. I could not have asked for a better staff or a better group of people to spend my last year in Achona with. Your creativity and love for our newspaper shown through in each and every article. I wish you all the best of luck in the future.

Achona has given me so much, and I will be forever grateful for the lessons that it has taught me throughout my high school career. I will always remember the laughs, the special moments, and lastly, the question, “Hi, could I get a quote from you for Achona?”



All of my love,

Juliana Ferrie

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