Spring Break begins The 9th of April and ends the 18th. (Photo Credits: Kimberly Egoavil / Achona Online / Used with Permission)
Spring Break begins The 9th of April and ends the 18th.

Photo Credits: Kimberly Egoavil / Achona Online / Used with Permission

Academy springs into Holy Week

April 6, 2022

With Easter being a week late this year, Academy students are impatiently waiting for that last Friday until they can have their week off. There are mixed opinions and feelings about the date of Easter break, and how it’s different from most other schools. In this video, students and teachers were asked about the upcoming break and how they were dealing with the last-minute stress and tests. While there are mixed opinions one thing is certain, Academy students are ready for their deserved week off.

SPRANG BREAK!!1 from AchonaOnline on Vimeo.


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