AHN presents “Legally Blonde”!
AHN presents “Legally Blonde”!

AHN presents “Legally Blonde”!

March 31, 2023

This past weekend, AHN presented its long-awaited spring musical production of Legally Blonde. With almost all four shows being sold out in the Performing Arts Center here at AHN, the show definitely did not disappoint. 

Starring senior Taylor Schweitzer as the iconic Elle Woods, the show ran for about two hours with a fifteen-minute intermission. The songs and script were comical and emotional, and the details throughout the performance were shown in the set and costumes extraordinarily well.

“Usually I am not the type to go to any plays or musicals, but I was extremely interested in this one and I love Elle Woods in the movie so much I just had to see it,” said Efiie Tillack (’23).

Seeing this movie brought to life on stage was such an amazing experience, and it was even better having our very own AHN students perform it. As well as some boys from Jesuit, Blake, Tampa Catholic, and USF playing some of the male leads alongside our AHN girls, the whole cast was able to portray the story of Elle Woods finding herself as an independent woman in the law field perfectly.

Performing Arts teacher Vivian Kimbler once again showed her skills and dedication, as her directing and choreography brought professionalism to the stage and to each girl who participated. Also, a major commencement for the entire theatre crew, as the music and lighting during the show were spot on and they never missed a beat. The vocals stunned the whole audience, as no part was too small and each girl was featured in at least one of the songs.

“I had never been to an AHN musical or production of any kind, and I did not know what to expect when going to Legally Blonde. I am very much somebody who enjoys musicals and singing, and this exceeded my expectations in every way possible. It was awesome!” said Ava Politz (’23).

Seeing girls from all different grades shine on the stage was really special, the seniors spent their final moments on the Academy stage and left it all on the floor. On the other hand, some of the underclassmen got their chance to showcase their talents for the first time and embark on one of their first of many shows at AHN.

Overall, Legally Blonde definitely was worth the watch. Every aspect of the show was carried out so well, the singing, dancing, set, and of course, all of the actresses and actors were perfect! I am so happy to have gotten the chance to sit in the audience and hope that many other AHN students and parents got to experience it too!

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