Morning Routines of Influential Women
January 10, 2017

Photo Credit: Sophia Bahr/Achona Online
Principal Nitchals ready to take on a weekday at AHN, coffee in hand.
It’s no shock that the morning is a crucial time for a person to take on their hectic day. Studies have shown that those who have a distinct morning ritual are more productive and therefore, more successful in their life. Often times people enjoy doing something productive while indulging in their morning cup o’ joe. Ever wonder about the morning routines of the world’s most influential women, and even two vastly influential women from Academy?
Entrepreneur, wife, and mother, Ivanka Trump, enjoys her early morning 5:30 am workout before she tackles her day. Often times she runs with her husband, Jared Kushner, or engages in meditation. Then she showers, moisturizes and does her makeup, or watches an inspirational TEDtalk. Finally, she dresses into an A-List outfit and reads The New York Times before getting her three kids out of bed at 7 am.
Editor in Chief of Vogue Magazine and Conde Nast, Anna Wintour enjoys embracing her competitive side with a game of tennis- and at 5:45 to boot. Then she quickly showers and dresses before heading to the Vogue Office at One World Trade Center in Manhattan where she is able to take on grueling meetings.
Like any fit woman, Lively enjoys getting in a morning workout usually that is 90 minutes long and consists of up-tempo cardio to burn maximum fat. According to husband Ryan Reynolds, Lively makes a giant mess in the closet every morning as while looking for the perfect outfit.
Reynolds says,“I see a totally destroyed closet, bedroom, and kitchen.”
Principal Nitchals
New principal to Academy, Stephanie Nitchals adds that she goes to bed at around 9 pm every night and is in fact, a morning person. In the morning, she likes silence and no noise to prepare her for the noise that is brought on during the day and keeps her coffee classic with cream and sugar.
Stacy Filocco
Known for her preppy outfits and intelligence in the government world, History teacher Stacy Filocco has a few things she likes to do in the morning.
She says, “Unfortunately, I am one who maximizes my sleep during the week. I wake up about 35 minutes before I need to be at school. I spend about 5 minutes looking at my calendar, reading “Significant Digits” from FiveThirtyEight and The Skimm, and checking out Then I get moving: I pick out my clothes, put on some quick mascara, collect my various bags, shoes, books, and snacks, and head out the door, usually while listening to a relaxing Spotify station (maybe acoustic morning?)”
She later concludes that driving on sunny Bayshore is crucial every morning as it inspires her for the day.

Daily dose of humor for a weekday morning.