Thoughts the Footloose Cast Has During “Tech Week”
April 7, 2017
Photo Credit: Juliana Ferrie/Achona Online
Students who are taking part in the play have put a lot of time and effort into bringing the play to the stage.
This week, Academy’s main theatre production of the year, Footloose, will open on Thursday, April 6, 2017. Members of the cast and crew have been working on bringing the play to the stage since September. This week, deemed “Tech Week,” can be a stressful time for students who are a part of the play.
Freshman and member of the crew Mei Lamison said, “The week takes place a few days before opening night. We load in all of the sets and run through the sound and lighting of the show. We rehearse scenes we have trouble with, and on the final night of tech week, we have a dress rehearsal.”
Here are some thoughts students have during “Tech Week.”
- Wondering why you’ve been in school for 12+ hours

2. Having a minor panic attack because you are afraid of doing something wrong
Sophomore Allie Golson said, “We made some mistakes at our rehearsals, but with Mrs. Kimbler’s guidance, we were able to correct our mistakes and make the show even better.”

3. Feeling stressed because of all the other things you have to get done.

4. Not being able to hear yourself think because it is so loud.

5. When you still have to find time to do your homework.
Sophomore Hanna Skelly said, “I do my homework backstage when I am not practicing a scene.”

6. When you feel claustrophobic behind the stage because everyone is squished together.
Senior Khalea Armstrong said, “There is definitely not a lot of room backstage, but it will be so much better in the new arts center.”

7. You feel both starved and exhausted because of how long you have been at practice.

8. The feeling of excitement to see all of your hard work paid off.

The show can be seen this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (April 6-8) in the Brady Center at 7:00 P.M. It can also be seen on Sunday (April 9) at 1:00 P.M.