Is It Too Early To Start Decorating For Christmas?
November 13, 2017
Photo Credits: Lauren Pieper/Achona Online
In Catholicism, Christmas is celebrated up until the Epiphany.
Christmas is still over a month away, but since September, stores have been displaying holiday decor for the Christmas season. Before Halloween, when people would see this decor in stores the common phrase that would be said is “Christmas already? It’s not even Halloween yet.” However, now that Halloween has passed, a new question is posed, is it still too early to start decorating for Christmas?
It’s no surprise that places like Disney World already are decorated, and the Kardashians already have been out shopping for Christmas decor and filming for the season, but how does the Academy of the Holy Names feel about hanging up tinsel?
Of the 125 Academy girls polled, 60.8% say it is too not early to start decorating, while 39.2 % said it is totally unacceptable to start breaking out the “Welcome Santa” doormat.

Michael’s Craft Store considers this time of year “peak season” for selling seasonal decor.
The majority of AHN seniors who were polled said they were in favor of decor coming out now.
Caitlyn Helms (‘18) said, “It’s never too early to start decorating for Christmas. I love the season, so the earlier I can make it start the better. I have not put up my decorations yet, but I probably will within a week or two. I’m very supportive of people who are already decorating. I think people should do whatever feels right to them and makes them happy.”

In contrast, some people feel that it is too early to decorate for Christmas because Thanksgiving is a holiday that can be decorated for too.
“I decorate for Thanksgiving. On my lawn there is a giant inflatable turkey because I love Thanksgiving. It is a great holiday, and it should not be overshadowed. Personally, I do not put Christmas decorations out until December 1,” said Alisha Sanchez (‘18)

Other AHN students who disagree with premature decorating recognize that their opinion is unpopular.
“It’s an unpopular opinion because people love just Christmas, because in Catholicism it is the biggest holiday that also has a big break that comes along with it,” said Julia Barreto (‘18)
Although it is not a commonality among AHN to think the season is coming too early, there are many girls who like leaving up the fall decor as long as possible because they are fans of Halloween.
Reagan Finch (‘20) said, I keep up the fall related decorations because I like fall more than winter, and I feel like people make Christmas come too early. Halloween is my favorite holiday.”

Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday of November.
In addition, exciting Thanksgiving plans make some girls look forward to the November holiday more than getting prepared for Christmas.
“I am going to hang out with my Grandma in Clearwater for Thanksgiving, and my cousins all under the age of five may be coming as well. I’m excited to have a smaller Thanksgiving,” said Finch.
Some people are neutral about the subject.
Physics teacher Kim Quire said, “The teachers have plans for our decorating our doors this year, so I am excited for that. Both in school and at home it is always fun to decorate. I do like to wait until after Thanksgiving, though.”
Even though Quire typically waits to decorate, she believes that decorating for Christmas is a great way to remember what the season is all about.
“The chance to pull out all the old ornaments and is a great way to start getting into the spirit, and since we celebrate Advent we get to prepare for Christmas, we decorate more and more each week of Advent. We have our manger out early and have Mary and Joseph get closer to it as the season goes on, and the wise men get closer up until the epiphany. Decorating is a great way to remember what matters,” said Quire.
Some students feel as though there is a fine discrepancy among the decor for both holidays.
“I think Thanksgiving decorations are there because they need to be at the dinner table, but Christmas decorations are the spirit of Christmas. I decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving because it gets everyone in good spirits, while Thanksgiving decorations just are not as exciting, says Juliana Jett (‘19).