HOA: Lauren Jones Launches Lifestyle Instagram
March 8, 2018

“I am currently involved in TLC, Mayor’s Youth Corp, Academy’s production of Cinderella, Beta Club, Reader’s Advisory, am the secretary of Key Club and Best Buddies. I also cheer, play lacrosse on both and school and summer travel league, and am in the process of developing a non-profit to benefit the fight again teenage depression and anxiety called The Brain Chain,” says Jones. Photo Credit: Lauren Jones (used with permission)
On Jan. 25, 2018, Lauren Jones (’20) created an instagram account entitled “lojolifestle” to promote positivity, inspiration, and motivation to others live a healthy lifestyle.
“What motivated me the most to create an account was to try and spark others with a burst of positivity and motivation, educate about the common misconceptions of the exercise/diet world, and to document the little moments in my own life in order to fully cherish their potential,” says Jones.
Within the creation of her account, Achona received the chance to chat with Jones about the inspiration behind her journey.
Achona: How long have you been into living a healthy lifestyle?
Jones: “I began eating healthy starting in about seventh grade, so it’s been about three years. Being completely honest, I enjoy snacking and desserts on the daily but maintain balance and portion control as a priority.”
A: What motivated you to pursue a healthy lifestyle?
J: “I’m not exactly sure what first motivated me to pursue a healthy lifestyle. My goal was not necessarily to be fit or get skinny, instead it began with a love of the gym and the limits of which it pushed me.”

A: What does your workout routine entail?
J: “My classic workout is a variety of resistance band exercises followed by arm machines, HIIT, and 30 minutes of cardio usually on the elliptical. Amidst my busy schedule, usually the only time I find to workout is in the mornings because I have sports practices in the afternoons. In the mornings I will either do a short burst of resistance band and/or rep oriented exercises (a rep oriented plan would be ex. 25 pushups, 30 squats, 10 jump squats, etc.) or head to the gym for an hour or so before heading off to school. Since it is so difficult to schedule exercise around school, many times I will outline my textbooks into a quizlet then study that quizlet while on the elliptical.”
A: What are your personal guidelines to what you eat?
J: “It is easiest to control myself when I plan my meals, and the best way for me to stay on plan is to take into account cravings prior to their occurrence. For example, for my regular lunch I will take into account that I know I will crave something salty and something sweet, so I will include a homemade Siggi protein yogurt parfait with a few chocolate chips as a treat, berries, or a few tortilla chips with homemade guacamole. Some tips I would make sure to keep in mind include hiding veggies in whatever way you can, made healthy foods highly accessible, and measure everything.”

A: What kind of advice would you give someone looking to get in shape and improve their lifestyle?
J: “The best advice I could give would be to stay organized, stay positive, and don’t forget to enjoy the little things. You don’t realize how much beauty there is in your current life until you take the time to fully appreciate and recognize it. In terms of getting in shape, don’t take on a harsh diet immediately, ultimately you will fail and then become frustrated with yourself. Instead, realize the time it takes and be patient with yourself. Try to ease into a new diet, for example, week one try eating a veggie with every meal, week two try drinking 90 oz of water a day, week three try working out 20 minutes before school everyday, etc. and soon these habits will not be just a fad but rather a lifestyle.”