AHN Students Take Their Faith Online in Campus Ministry Chat Room
April 28, 2020
Many students at the Academy of the Holy Names miss seeing their peers everyday. “I miss my friends and how we won’t see each other for a while,” said freshman Winsome Storm. Campus Minister Katie Holland and Math/Religion teacher Megan Dubee have come up with new ways for students to hang out.
At 3:30 every day, Holland opens her Google Meet room for any students who want to come and chat with each other. Students can come and talk casually without expectations put on them to do or talk about something in particular. “As we can’t talk to our friends as well as we used to, talking at 3:30 is a great way to talk to them,” said freshman Cassandra Sobus.

Students joining at 3:30 to hang out with each other.
At 4 pm, Holland ‘s Google Meet room remains open for different activities. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, there is a rosary. “Being able to connect with others and say the rosary with familiar faces has been one positive part of quarantine! I enjoy ‘seeing’ everyone and feeling ‘connected.’ The Google Meets always include fun conversations and I have enjoyed growing closer with all the participants.” said sophomore Lucy Dyer.
On Wednesdays, there is a Bible Study led by seniors Sofia Tweed and Emily Nash.
“Having the opportunity to gather in a community of girls who are so eager to listen to God’s word and live out what He teaches us is such a beautiful occurrence I have the opportunity to encounter every Wednesday,” said Tweed. “It’s important to try and develop an understanding and a connection with our Father through His own words, but it’s even greater to do it and share that with others around you. Bible study has been one of my favorite things at the Academy because I’ve been able to bond with girls about our faith that, otherwise, I may have never had the chance to do beforehand.”

Students and teachers gather to pray the rosary
Dubee opens her Google Meet room on Sundays for any students who want to watch Mass together. Typically they watch Fr. Mike Scmitz’s 10 am Mass live streamed on Ascension Presents on Youtube together. “ [The] Google Meet Mass is really special. They are honestly some of my favorite Masses because of the community we’ve developed. Usually, it’s a small group of us, which I imagine is quite similar to how the original disciples celebrated Mass together in their homes. Afterward, we talk about the homily, Ms. Dubee’s next incoming Target delivery, and whatever random activities we are doing throughout our quarantine life. Overall, it is very comforting amidst all the current uncertainties,” remarked senior Megan Corrigan.
Dubee also opens her room for any special activities that girls want to watch together. On April 22, Fr. Chuck Dornquast hosted a livestream holy hour for vocations on the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s website.
A few students watched it with Dubee and spent time talking together after. “I think it’s so important to pray for those considering vocations. These people are so special because they help spread the good news and fulfill God’s hope for humans. Even if you’re not sure where God is leading you yet, it is necessary for us to encourage those entering into a holy life because they play such key roles in the Church,” said freshman Sarah Aschenbrenner.
All students and teachers are welcome to all events. More information about Masses and other activities watched in Holland’s and Dubee’s Google Meet can be found on their Instagram pages, @firedupahn and @dubeenation, closer to the date of the activity.