Senior Emily Nash created an Instagram account just to share her thoughts and love for Jesus with the world. (Photo credit: Bible Beans Instagram (used with permission))
Senior Emily Nash created an Instagram account just to share her thoughts and love for Jesus with the world.

Photo credit: Bible Beans Instagram (used with permission)

Bible Beans: A Senior’s Way of Spreading Faith

April 30, 2020

Seniors Emily Nash and Sofia Tweed have been leading a school Bible Study on Wednesdays since the beginning of this school year. Even during this time of quarantine, they have been doing it on Campus Minister Katie Holland’s Google Meet every Wednesday at 4pm.

To extend her message to more people, Nash has created an Instagram account, Bible Beans. “I started Bible Beans because, as I have been growing in faith and reading the Bible, I have found so much that Christ has shared with me that I wanted to share with others! Doing it on Instagram is easy to do. It also is a way to spread positivity, which I think is something we all need right now.” said Nash. 

On this account, Nash has been sharing her personal reflections about different Bible verses every morning. From the Gospels to St. Paul’s letters, she always posts something meaningful for everyone, explained in an easy way to understand it.

“I love the account and reading her notes on scripture because they’re so authentic and relatable. It inspired me to start using my bible more and journaling in it to grow in that relationship with God’s word as she has done, because I think one of the best ways to know Christ and God is to read their words,” said sophomore Grace Odmark.

Freshman Bella Hifko said, “I really love how Emily has chosen to make an Instagram page about Bible quotes during this pandemic, they have such a positive impact on everyone and I love reading them.”

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