School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Swim Team Honors Senior Swimmers

October 22, 2018

The AHN swim team is partnered with Jesuit to compete in meets as one team Photo Credit: Regan O'Leary/ Achona Online/ Piktochart

The AHN swim team is partnered with Jesuit to compete in meets as one team Photo Credit: Regan O’Leary/ Achona Online/ Piktochart

On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, the Academy swim team honored the nine senior swimmers during their meet against Robinson High School. The night started with some of the junior swimmers giving speeches about the memorable moments they spent with the seniors throughout the years.

“I was so emotional when I was giving my speech to Grace [Buckhorn] (’19) thinking about all the memories we made over the past three years made me realize how much I’m going to miss her,” said Sophia Arnold (‘20)

The swim team practices everyday after school to prepare for the many competitive meets they face during the season. (Photo Credit: Kate Sweeney/ Used with permission)

The senior night traditions started with the nine seniors were escorted by their families onto the pool deck while a description of their accomplishments from the past four years was being announced.

“I loved having my parents beside me at the meet; they have supported me the past four years and it was really special to share that moment with them,” said Isabella Bahr (‘19)

Charlie Young with her parents after the Senior Night Festivities. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without my parents I’m so thankful for their support” said Young. (Photo Credit: Charli Young/ Used with permission)

The team was supported by many of their families and friends as they fought to beat Robinson, ultimately winning the meet. It was a special moment  for all the seniors knowing this could be the last time they all swim together.

“I haven’t been close with some of the girls that I swim with up until now, and it is a little sad to think that this will be my last year with them. I am really happy that I had the chance to better myself as a swimmer and a person through the swim team,” said Kate Sweeny (‘19)

Isabella Bahr, Charli Young, and Grace Buckhorn have all been on the swim team for all four years and say it is bittersweet to end their careers together on the AHN swim team. (Photo Credit: Grace Buckhorn/ Used with permission)



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