The Struggles of Having Strict Parents
October 31, 2016
Photo Credit: Victoria Baldor/Achona Online
Lara Lontoc admits having strict parents means “no anything on school nights, and social events must be approved a day in advance. no spontaneous activities!”
It can be annoying at times having parents being uptight about grades, getting SAT work done, or being totally unreasonable about something like curfew. But when it’s super strict parent, it’s an everyday struggle. While it may seem like there’s only one girl in the world whose parents are this strict, rest assured there’s others in the parental oppression. Here are things only girls with super strict parents understand.
One word: Curfew.
When your room was never quite clean enough.
When your phone was a privilege:
When you tried to make a joke:
When having fun was a monumental struggle:
When you were always too young:
When they never understood: