Junior Ring Fashion
Academy juniors all looked stunning at the ring ceremony.
Every year, the Academy of the Holy Names hosts the Junior Ring Ceremony. This is a very special time for the juniors because they are finally becoming an official “sister” of the school. Although many people are focused on the rings, what tends to be most talked about, are the outfits the girls wear.
Administration has always had a strict rule of no spaghetti straps. Because of this, girls tend to dress very classy and mature. Everyone from parents to grandparents show up and so it is very important that every girl looks their best and appropriate. “I thought this year was the second best year for fashion, behind us, class of 2015.”, Senior Caroline Lozo exclaims. All the girls blew us away with their choice of outfits.

Remi Storch, also Achona’s winner for ‘Best Dressed’, exemplifies an appropriate outfit.
In addition to the importance of the outfits, the ring is the center of the attention. “This ring is a reminder of all the things that you guys share. This ring doesn’t only just join you as a class, but it also connects you to the generations of women that have come before you.” explains Mr. Raimo. The school crest is on a background of onyx. On top of the crest is the lamp of knowledge, which glows about and throughout the ideals of the school. The upper third of the ring displays the vocational calling of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. The three lilies symbolize the three vows of the order: poverty, chastity, and obedience. The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit, who dwells in our hearts and minds as we endeavor to live up to our ideals throughout this coming year. The open book stands for all of the academic studies, from the humanities to modern language that are apart of the curriculum at the Academy. In the lower left corner is a model of the atom, depicting all the natural and social sciences offered at the Academy. The lyre at the lower right represents appreciation of the fine arts that students acquire through their courses and activities. Beneath the crest so the school motto that reads, “Esse Quam Videri”- to be rather than to seem.

Our rings are something us Academy girls cherish and keep forever.
“You are a part of a grand tradition now that dates back to 1881.” Says Mr. Raimo. Every junior who received their ring should be proud to be a part of such a wonderful sisterhood.

Hi my name is Lauren Raab. I am a senior at the Academy and am a senior writer for Anchona. I love fashion and keeping up with the trends. I work at the...