Spirit Week Best Dressed
Junior Lizzie Farley and senior Katherine Hobson pose for Thursday’s best dressed.
Spirit Week has just come to a close and we saw a lot of stiff competition when it came to the dress out days. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Spirit Week each class sent their best dressed student to the courtyard at lunch to be judged by Mrs. Beth Chase, Ms. Stacy Filocco, and Mrs. Sharon West. Here are the results:
Wednesday: 1st-Sophomores (Construction Workers); 2nd-Freshmen (Starbucks Employees); 3rd- Seniors (Wall street); 4th-Juniors (Doctors)
Thursday: 1st- Juniors (Survivor); 2nd- Seniors (Fresh Prince of Bel Air); 3rd- Freshman (Kelly Ring); 4th- Sophomores (Bill Nye)
Friday: 1st- Juniors (Wizard of Oz); 2nd- Freshmen (Peter Pan); 3rd- Sophomores (Snow White), 4th- Seniors (Hercules)
Spirit Week coordinator, Cara Dawson said, “This year students dressed to impress. The competition was tough and very enjoyable to watch. All students were able to stick to the approved themes and still look amazing.”
To see some of the interesting outfit choices, look through our photo gallery.