Summer- Time To Volunteer!
Credit: Rebecca Heimstead (used with permission)
“We took this picture during Paint Your Heart Out which involved painting a lady’s house in the Seminole Heights area” -Lindsay Calka
Summer is fast approaching which means it’a almost time to sleep in late and go on beach trips every other day! However, do you have any idea what you’re going to be doing when you’re not enjoying the sun? If you want to continue feeling productive and don’t have enough time for a summer job, joining a volunteer program or simply finding a site that you can work at for service hours might be a good idea for you. Here are some suggestions that Academy girls have enjoyed in the past.
Teens in Action
Teens in Action is an organization that allows you to have a weekly volunteer opportunity. Joining is quick and easy and you get to choose the volunteer location that best fits your interests.
Below is a TIA tweet honoring Academy Junior Lizzie Dolan for her volunteer work with the organization.
Internships with non-profits or at schools
Reach out to local organizations to see if they need a intern or volunteer to help them with their mail or other office work. For example, Habitat For Humanity has offices in the area as well as Metropolitan Ministries.
Volunteering at schools– Academy girls such as Naomi Youakim and Katie Quackenbush have been volunteering at St. Peter Claver School for the last few months.
Katie comments, “We thought we were going to be working with little kids, but when we got there we ended up working with the middle school boys. Honestly, I didn’t expect to love it as much as I do! Naomi and I drive there right after school and go right to the Boys and Girls Club (that’s were they go after class). We help them with their homework and essays and basically anything else school related. We’ve developed really strong relationships with them, being there week after week, and it feels really rewarding to help such disadvantaged kids.”
MDA camp--The MDA summer camp provides children suffering from muscular dystrophy with a week-long of fun activities without a charge. Unfortunately sign-ups for a volunteer position have already passed, but this is a great opportunity to consider for next year.

VBS with your church– Vacation Bible School with your church is a great way to get 30-40 hours of service in one week. You work with children, make snacks, and set up activities throughout the day.
Mayor’s Youth Corps
Mayors Youth Corps is a program that requires an application and a interview. However, it provides students with the opportunity to volunteer, take workshops, and learn more about our local government and the city of Tampa. Furthermore, membership in the program after the first year means that you are eligible for a position on the leadership council.
Junior Lindsay Calka remarks, “I joined the corps by fate. I was going to join Teens in Action but then my dad forgot to send in my application so that didn’t work out. Honestly, I am so happy that I ended up in MYC instead because now I am on the leadership council and play a greater role in the organization.”
See Academy students, Lindsay Calka and Ally Pazzi, in the Corps’ tweet.
#MYC and #MYLC up and ready to walk at the 2016 March of Dimes!!!! #GoBabyGo
— Mayor's Youth Corps (@tampayouthcorps) April 23, 2016

Nicole Browne is a second year staffer, senior Editor-in-Chief of Academy’s Online Newspaper. When not spending her time at crew practice and regattas,...