15 Nightmares Only Academy Girls Will Understand
September 26, 2016
Credit: Riley Rubio/ Achona Online
Sophomore Nina Perez shares, “My biggest nightmare became a reality when both my home printer and the library printer were broken on the same day that my English essay was due. That was the most stressful morning of high school.”
Life is hard as an Academy girl, but the best part about the sisterhood is that everyone can suffer together. From running late to class to forgetting daily necessities, all Academy girls experience these horrors. Here are fifteen nightmares everyone can relate to.
1. Forgetting your MacBook at home.

2. Realizing you don’t actually have study hall before your next test.

3. Mrs. Chase catching you eating in class.

4. Losing your class ring.

5. Forgetting to wear your mass uniform.

6. Sage being closed due to an assembly.

7. The library’s printer breaks the one time you need it.

8. Scrambling to turn in assignment at 11:59pm on Turnitin.com.

9. Forgetting your calculator on test day.

10. Showing up to Mrs. Kearney’s class late.

11. Realizing your MacBook/ iPad never charged over night.

12. Packing up your things up at 2:45pm on a Wednesday.

13. Having to go to the bathroom during Mrs. VP’s notes.

14. Forgetting your AHN sweatshirt.

15. Mrs. Collins catching you using 3-1 technology instead of 2-1 on the school’s wifi.