Sophomore Class Celebrates 2016 Mole Day
October 26, 2016
Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Z, has been participating in Mole Day since Academy first started holding the celebration annually.
You don’t have to be a geek or some kind of nerd to know about one of Academy’s favorite traditions- Mole Day. On October 23, the sophomore students gathered to celebrate moles, the unit of measurement used for extremely small particles such as atoms or molecules. This celebration includes activities throughout the day such as making displays, singing “The Mole Song”, and electing a mole queen and king.
When asked what her favorite part of Mole Day is, chemistry teacher, Rebeca Zambrano, responded, “All of it! Breakfast, the afterparty, the displays, and, most importantly, the enthusiasm of the students.”
Aside from “The Mole Song”, perhaps the most iconic Mole Day tradition at Academy is the displays. They are made by the sophomores and include hand-sewn moles (the animal) and decorations. Each year, there is a unique, overarching theme for Mole Day that they consider when making these displays. This year, Academy’s AP Chemistry students helped come up with the theme “Academy of the Moley Names.” The Class of 2019 responded to this theme with nothing less than creativity and enthusiasm, resulting in some amazing displays.
These displays are set up in the library the entire week leading up to Mole Day, when the high school teachers vote on ballots for their favorite. At the end of the school day, all of the sophomores meet in Mrs. Z’s classroom for the Mole Day afterparty, where the winners are announced. Below are some of the winning categories:
- Overall best mole — “Mole Nation” Hannah Smallwood

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Most Creative — “Mother Moley Rose Durocher” Audrey Gabbard

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Most Elaborate Scenery — “Academy of the Moley Names” Caitlyn Asher

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Mole STEM — “Molebotron 2000” Madison Rooth

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Best dressed mole — “Moleyball” Megan DeVaney

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Judges’ favorite — “Moley Family” Fallon Flaharty

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty
- Judges’ favorite — “Sister Molely Glavin” Sarah Kate Murphy

Photo Credit: Shannon Flaharty