Career Skills Learned in High School

November 2, 2016


Maria Cacciatore, an aspiring fashion designer, states, “Organization and time management are the key to getting my collections finished and not getting over stressed.” Photo Credit: Maria Cacciatore (used with permission)

Throughout high school, AHN students obtain many important career skills. These skills help students to be successful in the work world and excel in their careers. Many students are not aware of the valuable lessons and skills they are developing in the classroom. Below is a list of seven skills that will bring a student success in their future:

1. Time Management      

Time management is a key skill students must acquire to survive in high school. By the time students reach senior year, they will be scheduling what time they take their showers and eat their meals. With only 24 hours in the day, every minute is precious.

Photo Credit: Sophia Mastro/Achona Online. Senior Olivia Valdes states, “I have always been bad at managing my time, but taking AP classes especially AP art studio and AP calculus has taught me to use my time more efficiently.”

2.  Stress Management

Conquering the time-management problems they face is only half the battle for AHN students, because with managing time, comes stress. Making schedules of a million things that must be squeezed into one week can be very stressful. Throughout high school students are constantly exploring different techniques for stress management and by the time they graduate, they have likely learned to cope with almost every stressful situation.

3. Organization 

A successful way to manage time and stress is organization. When developing systems to manage meetings, deadlines and projects students are practicing the handy skill of organization. Keeping a planner and writing reminders is a great way to stay organized.

Photo Credit: Julia Prince/ Achona Online. "Keeping an organized planner with all my activities and homework helps me plan ahead throughout the week."- Julia Prince
Photo Credit: Julia Prince/ Achona Online. Senior Julia Prince reveals “Keeping an organized planner with all my activities and homework helps me plan ahead throughout the week.”

4. Leadership & Working in Groups 

Leadership is a valuable skill students obtain when assigned to work on group projects. There are always the girls who like to sit back and spectate while another girl is slaving over a project. Learning how to take charge and motivate group members helps in the long run with dealing with lazy coworkers. Working in groups also gives students collaborative skills that will help to respect the needs and contributions of others.

Junior Feraby Hoffman states, “I think being able to work in a group and knowing how to cooperate with people are important skills you learn in high school.”

5. Speaking & Presenting

Speaking in front of the class is a dreadful task for most students, but it is an important skill to practice. When students enter the work world, they will have a lot of experience at giving presentations and speaking to a group of people. Practice makes perfect.

6. Writing

During their high school career, students write hundreds of papers and emails. Knowing how to properly write a research paper or formally address an email are key skills that will help when applying for jobs.

7. Work Ethic 

One of the best skills students cultivate in high school is their work ethic. Employers seek to hire people who are dedicated and hardworking. While the measure of work ethic in high school is grades, in the workforce it is initiative, drive, and promotions. Students can give themselves an advantage by beginning to develop themselves as a productive worker in high school.

Photo Credit: Sophia Mastro/ Achona Online. "I often work through break and lunch to get my work done."-Bruni Nuefield
Photo Credit: Sophia Mastro/ Achona Online. Senior Bruni Neufeld shares “I often work through break and lunch to get my work done.”

Although high school can be very stressful and overwhelming, students who are constantly developing these skills are likely to find success in their future careers.

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