School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Elevator Rule Proves Controversial

November 1, 2016

The forbidden bridge elevator was put in to make the school more handicap accessible. Photo credit: Sara Phillips/AchonaOnline

The forbidden bridge elevator was put in to make the school more handicap accessible. Photo credit: Sara Phillips/AchonaOnline

On October 25, The Academy Morning Show made an announcement that sparked heated discussion among many Academy girls: the bridge elevator can not be used without a medical pass. Since the elevator’s completion, students have eagerly boarded in large groups to avoid climbing the steep stairs every morning or afternoon. Since the unpopular announcement, students have shared their displeasure with the rule while begrudgingly avoiding the elevator.

Assistant Principal, Erin Krukar, explains why the rule was put in place: “I can’t have two hundred girls clogging the elevator every day. Visitors must be able to use the elevator if they need it.”

Many students think the rule has just been implemented, but Krukar pointed out that the elevator rule has been in place since she’s been working at Academy. The administration assumed that students would refrain from using the bridge elevator because of the main-building elevator rule. However, students eagerly used the bridge elevator, so an announcement was made to remind students not to break the rule.

Social studies teacher, Beth Chase, is known to catch students who should not be riding the elevator. Photo Credit: Sara Phillips/AchonaOnline
Economics teacher, Beth Chase, is known to catch students who should not be riding the elevator.
Photo Credit: Sara Phillips/Achona Online

After more than two months of popular use, the elevator ban brought heated opinions from Academy students.

When asked how she felt about the reinforcement of the elevator rule, Junior Christina Suarez Solar, exclaimed, “I think it’s stupid!”

Other students seek to explain the rationale behind their opinions. Senior Gabby Ragano clarified, “[Using the elevator] makes my day so much better. I have so much stuff! For example, my art portfolio is huge.”

Whether students agree with the rule or not, they will serve a detention if caught on the bridge elevator. Bring a doctor’s note explaining a special accommodation or use the stairs!

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