School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Rho Kappa Excites Students With New Bulletin Board

November 1, 2016

Credit: Anna Padron/Achona Online

History is very important to AHN because of the school’s rich history. Academy was founded in 1881, more about our history can be found in the school’s new heritage center.

Rho Kappa Durocher is Academy’s distinguished history honor society that is nationally recognized. Last year, their major project was to raise money for the girls at AHN’s sister school in Lesotho, Africa. The money would go towards a scholarship to allow one student to attend a Holy Names school free of cost. While the honor society is still focusing on raising money for the girls in Lesotho Rho Kappa members are also making it their mission to raise awareness for history.

Many students classify history as a class that is pure memorization.

Junior Kat Hahn confesses, “I feel like there is no need to know history, I think it’s pure memorization and there is a lot of reading and I don’t like reading. I like my teacher but not the material.”  

In memorizing the date of Pearl Harbor, the names of four muckrakers, and the different between the Athenians and the Spartans students tend to get lost in the motions. Rho Kappa is looking to change this.

American History aficionado and President of Rho Kappa, Anne Marie Yatsula shares, “I personally feel very passionate about history; it’s important for us to study the past to avoid mistakes and to improve our futures.

Rho Kappa historian, Megan Matter is spearheading this mission as the first ever historian in the society’s history. Lori Kearney who is in charge of Rho Kappa created this position to make people excited about history. The honor society plans to do this with a cork board dedicated to the month’s specific focus. For example, October was Hispanic Heritage month.

Matter explains, “I thought the board would be a great way to get people excited about history and really make Rho Kappa an honor society dedicated to history. The board is a great way to spread information and promote the celebration of prominent historical figures in history.”

In addition to events that took place in the specific month, the board will feature significant quotes and pictures from historical figures.

Yatsula adds, “The board, which is huge, will allow people to gather information that they wouldn’t usually be exposed to and it will also be really cute! I am excited to see how my sisters react to this new board.”

The Academy community is very excited to learn more about history and grow as a result of the new knowledge that will be at their fingertips. With this board, Rho Kappa hopes to incite a passion for history in students.  History is much more than the memorization of people and dates, it is understanding the past to impact the future.

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