School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

AHN Missionaries Prepare for Upcoming Trips

February 28, 2018

The girls on the mission trip to Appalachia volunteered at South Tampa Farm for an afternoon. Photo Credit: Emily Pantelis (used with permission)

As AHN’s mission trips quickly approach, each of the trips have been preparing for their volunteer work in different ways.

The Appalachia mission trip held a sleepover at leader Sam Garateix’s house on Feb. 18. At the sleepover the girls got to know their leaders better by asking them personal questions, and if the leaders answered incorrectly they were pied in the face.

Senior mission trip leaders Sam Garateix, Audrey Diaz, and Catie Moffett planned an entire evening of bonding for their mission trip in preparation for their trip to Appalachia, West Virginia. (Photo Credit: Emily Pantelis used with permission).

The girls also made nicknames for each other and decorated t-shirts.

Summer Wolf (‘19) said, “I mainly enjoyed making new friends that I will enjoy spending a week with.”

The Costa Rican mission trip has had a bake sale and several meetings to discuss other fundraising opportunities to raise the funds necessary to help the CREAR foundation.

Julia Lee (‘18) said, “Most of the people on our trip are new and only around five to six girls went on the trip last year so it is difficult to bond when we are all coming from different places, but I think working on the bake sale and fundraising together has made us a little closer.”

The Nicaraguan Mission Trip holds meetings every Thursday during lunch to discuss the mission trip.

They are holding a clothing and toy drive to benefit Nicaraguan Catholic Charities.

The Nicaraguan mission trip’s collection overflow’s onto Megan Dubee’s desk in the high school math office. (Photo Credit: Sam Garateix/ Achona Online)

“None of us know what to expect so we are all bonding over this new experience,” said Emma Heston (‘18).

Mississippi is holding a pre-mission trip barbecue picnic for the missionaries and their families on Sunday, Mar. 4.

Hannah Rodriguez (’19) says, “I think it is a great way to combine food, fun and bonding for our trip.”

Some mission trips like the Dominican Republic hold prayer services and shoe collections, while others like Scranton prepare by breaking out their winter coats for the cold trip ahead.

Every year the Dominican Republic mission trip collects shoes and clothes to take to the local children, so they can attend school. Photo Credit: Sam Garateix/ Achona Online

One preparation method that every mission trip has in common is that they all prayer together in the chapel at what they call ‘spiritual preparation.’ At these spiritual preparation’s the girls hear personal stories from some senior missionaries about how God plays a role in each trip.

The Appalachian mission trip attended mass together at Christ the King Catholic Church before their sleepover. (Photo Credit: Emily Pantelis/used with permission).
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