School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Have You Kept Up With Your Lenten Promise?

March 27, 2018

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent in Western churches. (Photo Credit: Elle Lehman/Achona Online)

The forty days during Lent symbolize the time Jesus spent in the desert, suffering through Satan’s temptations while at the same time working towards his ministry. Lenten promises are made each year and usually are made around changes individuals want to make to their everyday lives. In addition to the promises people make, many individuals also take up the challenge of giving something up.

Many people begin the lenten season with the best of intentions and often times the first week seems easy and many people thrive because of the sheer strength of their faith and Jesus’ love.

As Lent continues, everything seems to fall apart and many people have to face their weakness and these promises are typically failed and become a better luck next time situation.

As Lent is coming to an end on Thursday, March 29, it is time to reflect on how students of the Academy have kept up with their chosen Lenten promises.

Olivia Martinez (’21) said, “For Lent I gave up speaking Spanish at home and there have been only a few times where I slipped up.”

Gabriella Consalvo (’20) said,” My promise was to stop being negative. I tried to stay away from negative people and worked on solutions on how to stay away from negative energy.”

Megan DeVaney (’19) said, “I gave up chocolate for Lent and over the past weeks I have been able to stick to it and not fall on my promise.”

Senior Nina Alberdi said, “I tried to stop picking at the skin around my nails, but I keep accidentally doing it absentmindedly. I really want to break this habit of mine and I honestly feel like it is getting better.” 

It is important to remember that having a fall out with a Lenten promise is not all bad, instead let a slip up be a reminder that pushes you towards God’s grace and love. Failing in a Lenten commitment can actually help one grow in modesty and awareness of their spirituality.

Prayer and fasting help Christians stay centered in Christ and God.        (Photo Credit: Elle Lehman/Achona Online)
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