Students Participate in Career Day
February 12, 2021
On Tuesday, Feb. 9, and Thursday, Feb. 11, students participated in Career Day at the Academy. Different alumni from different professions virtually met with groups of students and discussed what exactly their career entails, how they manage to obtain connections, and provide tips for the college admissions process.
Julia Lombardi (23′) said, “I thought the one I went to was really interesting. I learned about what it was like to be a therapist and work in psychology. She even gave us advice for college and getting internships in the future.”

Career day is typically held in person, but due to the pandemic, it was held virtually this year. Presenters signed onto Google Meet while students met in classrooms and listened to them give their 40 minute speeches. Career Day was organized by the guidance office and beta club students helped set up the technology in the rooms for beta hours as well.
On Monday, students spoke with doctors, lawyers, therapists, real estate agents, and business owners. Grace Carreja (‘23) said, “I went to the nurse practitioner, and I thought it was really interesting. I didn’t really know what nurse practitioners did, so it was really eye-opening.”

On Thursday, the second day of Career Day, students met with sports agents, marketing directors, government directors, and tech analysts.
Vivian Cole (’23) said, “Sherisha Hills’ speech was interesting because we got to learn more about how areas in Tampa are managed. I thought the work she does for the city was really cool to learn about.”
Olivia Book (’23), like other students, also heard Clare Fleming (’12) give a speech regarding her job working for the Pediatric Cancer Center.
“I was really intrigued by Clare Fleming’s presentation, I thought her stories about high school and how she managed to get different internships in college were helpful and informative. I also think the work she does for the Pediatric Cancer Center is so amazing and was so interesting to hear about,” said Book.