The Acdemy Law class in the courthouse with Judge Naraetian. Photo Credits: Dana Nazaretian (used with permission)
The Acdemy Law class in the courthouse with Judge Naraetian. Photo Credits: Dana Nazaretian (used with permission)

Law class takes field trip to local courthouse

March 15, 2023

This past week, the Academy law class took a trip to the Tampa courthouse. Law teacher Dana Nazaretian brought the students to see her husband Judge Nick Nazaretian. This trip allowed students to get a better understanding of being a judge and provide more in-depth knowledge for students.

This trip first started last semester, created from Judge Nazaretian’s encouragement for the students to observe our judicial system in person and meet court personnel. The students got to get a tour around the courthouse, meet judges and lawyers, and even meet the emotional support dog.

Academy students get to meet the court therapy dog.
Photo Credits: Dana Nazaretian (used with permission)

The students first started out with a tour of the courthouse. They got to see portraits of every judge that’s ever been there, namely the man who the courthouse was named after and the first Black judge in Tampa’s picture.

Senior Emma Leavy said, “It was really cool getting a behind-the-scenes view of what goes on daily in a courthouse, it made me interested in maybe becoming a lawyer when I am older.”

The students then got to visit an Academy Alumni’s courtroom and see how she operates. The students then went to a first appearance court which is the courtroom for people who were arrested the night before. Lastly, they got to see Judge Nazaretian’s probation violation courtroom where they see all the people who violated their probation. The students got to sit in on his trial and learn more about what really goes on inside courtrooms. 

Nazaretian said, “Judge Laura Ward’s criminal court proceedings because students were surprised to see inmates in prison uniforms and shackles as well as hearing the criminal charges the inmates were facing.”

Senior Juliana Yanez said, “Being a lawyer was never really an interest of mine until I started this law class. Visiting the courthouse also made the interest grow” 

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