Wonder why some very dedicated Academy girls stayed up very, very, very early on Friday morning? Were they studying for another AP test? Perhaps true on other days, but in this case, the cause was the premiere of Hunger Games.
With the film’s hype taking storm at AHN, it’s no surprise that Academy girls were the first in line. The festivities commenced at 9:00 p.m. when the movie theaters opened their doors to swarms of avid fans, all filled with excitement for this much anticipated film.
Although many girls opted for comfy pajamas and sweat-pants, a few were brave enough to wear the extravagant and outrageous styles inspired by characters in the picture. One of the rare, boldly dressed movie-goers, Bridget Davis said, “Dressing up helped me get into the mindset of the Hunger Games and let me express my fandom.”
If going all out was too intimidating for some Academy girls, they chose to convey their love for the franchise by donning home-made shirts with quirky sayings and recognizable symbols from the film.
In order to pass the last few hours before viewing the movie, AHN girls did homework, chatted with friends, and simply tried to stay awake. However, once the film started, all the attention was on the screen. The following two-and-a-half hours were filled with tears, laughter, and screams as they watched their favorite characters come alive and combat the horrors of the Hunger Games.
Overwhelmed by fatigue by the end of the film, AHN girls headed home to get some much-needed sleep before classes the next morning. Friday discussions ensued as to which was better: the movie or the book.
Let us know once you view the film. Which IS better?