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'The Host' movie disappoints fans who love the novel

‘The Host’ movie disappoints fans who love the novel

Movie adaptations from Stephenie Meyer’s books meet mixed reviews.  Some fans, mostly those who did not read the books, enjoy the novel-based movies, while others create parodies mocking them.

Unfortunately, her newest novel-turned-movie, The Host, disappoints avid fans of the novel. The inadequate acting skills and altered plot does not do justice to the popular novel.

However, some fans, like senior Li Stalder, did not read the book and thought the movie was entertaining. “I wasn’t really sure if I would like the movie since I wasn’t a fan of the Twilight Saga, but I was surprised by how different and refreshing The Host was.”

Junior Lauren Ayers read the book and had unfulfilled, high expectations for a good movie.  “The one good thing about the movie was the set. It portrayed the setting better than I imagined it while reading.”

The Host, the novel, holds much more depth and emotions than the movie lets on.  This aspect is hard to transfer into a movie because viewers do have insight into the minds of the characters like they might have while reading the novel.

The Host is set in a world the same as our own on the surface, yet entirely different underneath.   The setting entices readers to pick up a book they would normally skip over. The perfect mix between science fiction, action, and romance captures a wide variety of interests.

Whether you are a fan of Stephenie Meyer or not, The Host is definitely a novel to read.

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‘The Host’ movie disappoints fans who love the novel