Pretty Little Liars earns record for “Most Tweeted Show EVER”
Photo Credit: Social Guide Intelligence
This infograph shows what moments on the show led them to obtain the tittle for “most tweeted show” in history
Season four of ABC Family’s hit drama series Pretty Little Liars concluded on Tuesday, August 27. Based on the books by Sara Shephard, the show portrays the story of a group of friends who lost their Queen Bee, Alison DiLaurentis. After missing for months, her body was finally found.
The question is, who murdered Alison and why? The girls knew that Alison had more than a few enemies, and didn’t expect to so soon be getting one of their own. A mysterious person who goes by “A” haunts the girls by threatening to reveal their darkest secrets that only Alison would know. How did this happen? Is Alison even alive? After four years full of twists and turns, the season four finale was the biggest reveal yet.
(Spoilers ahead)
Three million people tuned in hoping to answer unsolved questions and salivating over the possibility that the Liars could finally come face to face with A, Red Coat and possibly even Ali.
The episode began with the Liars receiving a package from “A” that contained four Magic 8 Balls with a message for each one of them. Hanna’s message read, “If your mom makes it out of jail, CeCe Drake will come after you.” After Ms. Marin is released, Hanna and the girls know CeCe is on the way. Through the episode they receive other items from “A” such as a coffin and another magic box. After the girls gathered some clues, they headed for Rosewood to try and find “A”.
While in Ravenswood, Aria was selected to participate in a magic show. The girls were so focused on keeping an eye on Aria that they did not realize Emily had disappeared. They immediately searched everywhere when they suddenly spotted Red Coat. While following her they came upon Emily trapped inside a moving box going towards a chainsaw. The track where Emily was suddenly stopped, the girls released her and finally took a breath of relief. Why would Red Coat put Emily in that box if she was going to save her? This question is soon answered when the unexpected happened. Two blonde girls wearing Red Coats started to run in different directions. Spencer and Aria split in order to follow both of them. Spencer realizes that the girl she is following is not trying to run away from her, but is instead leading her somewhere. On the other hand, the Red Coat Aria is chasing is running as fast as possible, but finds herself trapped with Aria on the roof of a building. They start to fight, but Aria is able to hurt her with her newly acquired karate skills she learned from her boyfriend, Jake. Aria kicks off the mask covering the girls face and it is in fact CeCe Drake! Finding herself trapped Cece decides to jump off the roof. The girls come back to find a traumatized Aria and what appeared to be a “dead” CeCe Drake. They turn around after hearing a noise and when they look back CeCe is nowhere to be found.
Spencer takes the girls to the place where the other Red Coat led her. The place was a dark, gloomy apartment filled with photographs of Alison and a timeline of events. The girls realize this place might be A’s lair. After looking around the apartment, Aria realized that A was not trying to track them but Alison. Hanna also opens a closet where she finds black hoodies and shoes in men’s sizes. Does this mean A is a guy? The girls feel really close to finding out the truth and decide to follow A’s steps to track Alison.
As they were leaving the building they found Mrs. Grinwald, the lady in charge of Alison’s sorority. With a scared look on her face, she tells the girls, “You shouldn’t be looking for her, it is dangerous, he is hoping that you will lead him to Alison.” Mrs. Grinwald shares the story of how she found Alison buried in her backyard the night she disappeared. She rescued her and brought her to the hospital. She ran inside first for help, but when she came back to the car, she found that she was missing. After this moment the girls are one hundred percent sure that Alison is in fact alive.
The camera moves to the other side of the street where a figure in a black hoodie is walking into “A’s lair.” With just a minute remaining on the episode, and the audience’s heart already racing and much anticipation, the biggest bombshell yet is revealed. The camera shows the figure’s body and slowly moves up to show that the man in the black hoodie is non-other than Ezra Fitz. The same man that “fell in love with Aria,” the same man that helped Emily and Spencer get into college. How and why would he ever do this? The Ezrian’s hearts had just been broken and many questions remain.
According to the finale broke the record for “Most tweeted about TV show EVER.” They received over 1.9 million tweets and 38 trending topics.
Pretty Little Liars will return in October 22 with a Halloween special “Grave New World.” Executive producer I Marlene King said “The Halloween episode will be a story so long, it will take two hours to tell.” The episode will bring the Liars into Ravenswood to follow Alison’s trail and discover if she is indeed alive. Following the Halloween special, ABC Family will premiere “Ravenswood,” a PLL spin-off series. Tyler Blackburn who played Caleb for PLL will be the lead character in this show.
What is your theory about the summer finale? Do you really believe Ezra could be “A”? We will soon find out in October. Remember to never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret

Alejandra Lozano is a senior at the Academy, a fourth year journalist, and an Editor-in-Chief of the Achona. Her favorite subject is AP Lit and some of...