AHN Participates in Shia LaBeouf’s #AllMyMovies (VIDEO)
LaBeouf’s reactions to his work varied from amusement during his 2007 animated project “Surf’s Up” to sheer boredom during his lackluster performance in “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.”
An actor best remembered by Academy girls for his roles as the misunderstood youngest-child Louis Stevens or the outcasted criminal Stanley Yelnats, Shia LaBeouf has worked on a number of successful television shows and movies throughout the years that contributed to his success in the film industry before his relevance declined. Recently, he’s made a comeback with several unpredictable projects including his noteworthy “Just Do It,” motivational speech. LaBeouf’s latest production, “#AllMyMovies,” encompassed a three-day movie marathon consisting solely of his previous work. The project took place from November 10th to November 12th at the Angelika Film Center in New York City and attracted so much attention from the general public that the multimedia platform New Hive broadcasted a livestream allowing viewers to observe LaBeouf’s every laugh, tear, and nap. As a tribute to LaBeouf’s artisitc stunt, several Academy girls volunteered to parody #AllMyMovies.

First year Senior Staff Writer Audrey Cooper is excited to be a part of ACHONA her senior year. She is involved in numerous clubs and sports (Cooper is President...