Achona Tasty: Omelette Cups

credit: Isabella Alfonso/Achona Online
Senior Jaime Jurado says that she can never stop watching “Tasty” videos once she starts. In fact, Senior Caroline Yount and Jurado both agreed that the omelette cup video looks delicious and easy to make!
A large trend on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media is cooking videos, or commonly referred to as “Tastys” because of the most popular producer of such videos–Tasty. At Achona, we have decided to feed into this mouth-watering trend. The following video includes four ways to spice up your egg dish. You may have seen a video on how to make omelette cups from the real Tasty, but you haven’t seen anything yet. Watch below to find out some creative omelette styles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Isabella Alfonso is an Academy Senior, a third-year journalist and Senior Staff Writer for Achona. She is in Teen Leadership Council at school, is a cheerleader...