Is VSCO the Next Big Thing?
These are featured images from a Junior Natatlie Cevallos’ VSCO accout and the fun filters you can use to make your pictures come alive!
VSCO is a fun, new popular app that is a way for photographers to post, filter, and edit their photos or journals. VSCO makes your photos come alive rather than Instagram, where it’s just there to look good and get likes. Taking photos with the VSCO Cam is a great way to animate the photos and share one’s aspirations and hobbies. Here is the way VSCO Cam works.
To get an account with VSCO make sure you have the IOS 8 download then go to the App Store on your iPhone or iPad and download VSCO Cam. Works best with iPhone 5, 5s, or 6 then it should ask you all your information for your account. Then you are set and ready to start photographing!
One of the biggest pros is that the filters and options make your pictures look more professional.
“I am in love with this app. I feel like I can express myself through the pictures I post and the effects can make the picture a million times better,” junior Natalie Cevallos stated.
“I am obsessed with VSCO because it gives you a different outlook on things, and it has changed my perspective on pictures and now makes me look at life through a different lens,” senior Cristina Baldor exclaimed.
Another pro of VSCO is that there are no “likes”, so the feeling of depression if you don’t get more than 100 likes on a photo.
“This app allows me to post whatever I want without feeling like I’m being judged. Although the app is hard to navigate, it is still an enjoyable experience.” Junior Jackie Joyce explained.
Along with the con of being difficult to navigate, PC review and ratings, “Weak community features. Fewer filter default options than Instagram. No private online galleries. No Windows Phone version. No Flickr upload.”
I think people should use this app, especially young photographers. This is a great way to express what you enjoy and to show other people what you can do.
“I really enjoy VSCO and editing my photos in a way instagram can not I encourage people to use VSCO its so fun and a wondeful way to express yourself”. – Junior Christina Thompson

Zoe Bennett is a two year Achona staff writer in the twelfth grade. She enjoys Pinterest and playing Webkinz on her computer. Outside of school she is...