Twins at Academy #twinstories
Here at Academy, twins are not an uncommon sight. In the freshman class we have Lauren and Lindsay Perez. and Kayla and Hailey Eckerman, In the sophomore class we have Hope (and her brother Andrew Rossi). In the junior class we have Morgan and McKenna Davey, Camille Yodzis (and her brother Jacob), and the triplet Tanase sisters (Bryanna, Stephanie, and Alessandra). In the senior class we have Siobhan (and her brother Connor Lynch), Julia and Victoria Metzger, and Alex and Haley Heidenreich. Here, they share some of their fondest #twinning memories:
Julia and Victoria Metzger
“We used to look at eachother and run in different directions so my mom would have to lose one of us. And I used to Bite her and tell my mom she did it to herself.”
-Julia Metzger (Senior)
Morgan and Mckenna Davey
“Morgan used to sleep talk and I used to try to talk to her and figure out what was happening in her dreams.”
-Mckenna (Junior)
Lauren and Lindsay Perez
“When we were babies we used to go to sleep in our own crib and wake up in each other’s bed.”
-Lauren (Freshman)
Kayla and Hailey Eckerman
“When we were younger my sister, Hailey, couldn’t burp so we would wake up and throw up [would be] in my hair.”
-Kayla Eckerman (Freshman)
Camille Yodzis and Jacob Yodzis
“Whenever we were in the same classes, one of us would get in trouble at school then we would go home and tell on each other.”
-Camille (Junior)
*BONUS! Jenny Van Pelt (Math teacher)
“When we were younger I would love to make him mad, so I would sit against the door in my room and he would try to push it open, but he could never get in. He would just get more and more mad.”

Carolina Oliva is an Academy of the Holy Names senior, second year staff writer of Achona, and now Editor of Arts and Entertainment. Her favorite subject...