The warmth of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the freshness of dark nails, and the satisfaction of a fall suited new hair-do are just a few of Academy girls’ favorite parts of Autumn. In Florida, where it’s almost always sunny and 95, the Autumn season is basically nonexistent. Regardless, Academy girls still look forward to to their favorite rituals of the season.
According to Elle Magazine, this year at New York Fashion Week designers showed off lots of sleek side parts, and what they call “bedhead” middle parts. They claimed “the slicked, side part won the runway: A deep side part with wet-looking hair shellacked against the forehead was everywhere this season”. Completed with a chunky knit sweater and knee-high boots, you’re bound to turn heads.
At Academy, hair trends vary. Some girls may dye their hair a bit darker, cut it for that the upcoming Jesuit Homecoming dance, or aim for the daringly Karshashian-esque middle part. Junior, Maria Cacciatore, explains “I normally associate my hair color with the season it is. For the upcoming fall season, I went from lighter/blonde highlights to incorporating darker tones into my hair. I love it.” For Sophomore, Francoise Corser, her favorite fall hair trends are “loose waves or a cute messy up-do like a bun or a ponytail. I do part my hair down the middle and [it] really looks good with loose waves, because it falls evenly and shapes my face nicely especially with long layers.” She continues to identify who her style inspirations are, “My celeb inspirations when I do the middle part are Kendall Jenner, Doutzen Kroes, and Miranda Kerr; it’s hard to pull off a middle part but styled correctly it looks fantastic”.

Often times, during the fall season, there’s less humidity so girls often find themselves heat-styling because their hair won’t be as prone to frizz as opposed to in the Summer. Junior, Audrey Anello, gives her style tips, “usually for fall I like to keep my hair curly or I’ll just curl it with an iron. It looks super cute when its down and curly with infinity scarves and a big sweater. It keeps your neck warm too.”

“Tip: Put it in a top knot if you want it up out of your face. This is super convenient while it’s wet after a shower and it’s a bonus because you can have a topknot that day. If you sleep in it, your hair is usually curly the next day too” – Audrey Anello
Interested in what Vogue Magazine’s perception of the 10 best beauty ideas as seen at New York Fashion Week is?

Sophia Bahr is the ACHONA’s Arts and Entertainment editor and an Academy senior. This is her second year on the ACHONA staff. After school Bahr can be...