Every teacher, whether they teach science or art, prefer lecture style or discussion classes, they each share a common thread: a desk. Students see them everyday, commanding attention at the front of the room, and perhaps have been curious from time to time about what is inside them. ACHONA decided to do some investigative reporting to discover what students and teachers think about what’s inside a teacher’s desk.
(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Ms. Mikos says this about her desk in the math office: “I love my desk. It lets me be organized and keep all my stuff in one space”(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) In addition to school supplies, Ms. Mikos keeps some quality snacks in her desk (featuring a Buddy Fruits pouch and coffee creamer). She says, “I pretty much go in my desk between every other set so I can trade out my supplies”. When asked how she would feel about being downsized to a smaller desk, Ms. Mikos just chuckles, “I feel like I might need two desks”.
(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Senior Skyler Sinardi is on-point with her predictions of what she thinks is inside each teacher’s desk. For Ms. Mikos she expected to see “A picture of her dogs, some play dough, and jolly ranchers”. She was right with the Play-Doh and the Jolly Ranchers, and although Ms. Mikos does not store any photos of her own dog, she has an adorable dog book called ~Tiny Confessions: the Secret Thoughts of Dogs, Cats, and Everything Else~ pictured in the cover photo!(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Mikos shares: “I keep Play-doh in my desk…probably the most fun thing I keep in my desk. We use it in calculus for in-class activities. They like it a lot.”(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) Mr. Jose Ruano is a laid-back Spanish teacher who expresses that his desk is “not that important” to him. He says “I could have my stuff in a box and it wouldn’t make a difference”.(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) Freshmen Robin-Sailor Zander and Hanna Skelly rifle through some supplies (featuring a staple remover and masking tape) in the center drawer of Mr. Ruano’s desk. They were curious about what kinds of things teachers store at their workstation, and Ruano told them to take a look!(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) In reference to his desk, Mr. Ruano admits “it’s messy but I can find anything when I need to”.(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Ruano’s desk contains, “files, snacks, junk and more junk,” but it also holds things more important to his everyday life like his “car keys and cell phone”.(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) This is Ruano’s trusty salt grinder that he keeps close in his desk drawers to help regulate his low sodium levels throughout the day.(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) As a new teacher at Academy this year, Science teacher, Kellie Mounce claims, “I haven’t really had time to clutter up my desk yet.” Although she has numerous science resources stacked on the surface of her desk, the inside holds mainly the essentials like her keys, phone, and wallet.(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Mounce claims that although she normally has a pretty good arsenal of snacks, she has been lacking in that department as of late, “Only one lone apple sauce!” she says. (bottom drawer)(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) In the left drawer of Mounce’s desk lies more AP resources and worksheets along with her phone and wallet.(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) On Mounce’s desk, still lies the punny Student Council water bottle + tea mix which she plans to drink sometime soon.(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Economics and Government teacher Beth Chase regards her desk a “a sacred space”, but she admits she only goes in it “about twice a day” because she keeps the majority of the things she needs on top.
(Photo Credit: Keri Kelly) Mrs. Chase also has in her possession this adorable and functional accessory called a Post-It purse. “No other teachers have a Post-it purse” she is proud to say. This little gadget allows her to make quick notes when necessary. I’m sensing a trend?(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) Chase walks us through this drawer of her desk. She says, “[I have] my God Bless America ribbon because I was born on Flag Day, some tape, some markers, some envelopes, my trusty ruler, pins for graduation, some flower food (I don’t know why, someone must have given me flowers), and my Sydney Wynne bookmarks. I have an Exacto Knife in case I need it, my NHS stickers for diplomas, some keys (I don’t know what they go to), a flash drive (who knows what’s on this), and a wireless mouse. And that’s all you’re going to find out about me”.(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) This strikingly accurate portrayal of George Washington in doll form also finds a home on Chase’s desk. It makes her laugh from time to time and reminds her about the good ‘ole U. S. of A.(Photo credit: Keri Kelly) For Chase’s desk, Senior Skyler Sinardi pictured “definitely something sparkly. Articles on all the candidates for the presidential election. A picture of Jackie Kennedy.” She was very accurate with the prediction of something sparkly as Mrs. Chase displays this glittering reminder on her desk to SPARKLE. She keeps a doll George Washington to cover her bases with American presidents, but as for the photo of Jackie Kennedy, who knows? It wasn’t in the drawer she opened, but it could be in any of the others. Either way it definitely seems like something Chase would have because of her love of politics and celebrities.
Keri Kelly is one of the four Editor in Chiefs of the ACHONA. This will be Kelly's second year on staff and she is excited to make ACHONA better than ever....