Farewell to Achona Seniors
We enjoyed Achona over the years and strengthening our journalism skills!!
As if leaving Academy wasn’t enough to get the seniors in their feels, this week, as we write our very last Achona story, we realize how far we’ve come. Every senior has something unique that they have brought to the Achona staff. Whether they have been a part of the Achona team for one year or four, they all share a common passion for Journalism and the Academy. We wish the best for our girls and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for all of them. In order to remember their Achona legacy, here are their profiles:
First Story: 10 things we’re all looking forward to this summer
Last Story: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt season 2
Years in Achona: 1
College: UF
First Story: 2015 VMA’s
Last Story: What holiday song are you
Years in Achona: 1
College: UF
First Story: Achona’s fall favorites
Last Story: Seniors say goodbye to uniforms
Years in Achona: 1
Favorite Memory: “Getting free bagels every quarter”
College: Auburn
First Story: The 2:1 Ratio shapes the future of education
Last Story: TLC Officers
Years in Achona: 1
College: FSU
First Story: Jesuit back to school dance
Last Story: Backstage of “Bye Bye Birdie”
Years in Achona: 1
College: Belmont
First Story: Gym Time
Last Story: Grad Bash 2016
Years in Achona: 1
College: FGCU
First Story: AP art studio models
Last Story: how to keep your cool during AP Exams
Years in Achona: 1
College: Elon University
First Story: Finding the festival for you
Last Story: Oh, the places she’ll go
Years in Achona: 1
College: Ole Miss
First Story: Senior shirt trends
Last Story: Sorry not sorry from the seniors
Years in Achona: 1
Favorite Memory: “I like having our bagel parties at the end of every quarter and sitting out on the third floor balcony.”
College: FSU
First Story: Hairspray behind the scenes
Last Story: Top 10 cutest puppy vines
Years in Achona: 2
Favorite Memory: Making Achona friends and being involved with school events a little bit more
College: Jacksonville University
First Story: HOA: Mrs Dubee
Last Story: Spray tan 101
Years in Achona: 1
College: FAU
First Story: Music Streaming Services
Last Story: Legend pt 7
Years in Achona: 1
Favorite Memory: “All the times Mrs. LeBlanc bought us bagels.”
College: FSU
First Story: Relay for life
Last Story: Senior working girls
Years in Achona: 1
College: FSU
First Story: Pope Francis US Visit
Last Story: Getting ahead on college apps
Years in Achona: 1
College: GWU
First Story: Senior shirt trends
Last Story: Fashion funds the cure
Years in Achona: 1
Favorite Memory: “When we were on Bayshore taking our staff pics and we accidentally caused a bike accident.”
College: Ole Miss
First Story: Beth Chase’s top ten
Last Story: Gap Year
Years in Achona: 1
College: Belmont
First Story: First Jesuit game
Last Story: AP exam preparation
Years in Achona: 3
College: Auburn
First Story: An apple a day keeps the F’s away
Last Story: 10 things we’ll miss about Mrs Henry
Years in Achona: 2
College: FSU
First Story: If I Stay
Last Story: Mother’s day gift guide
Years in Achona: 3
College: TCU
First Story: National French Week
Last Story: Army Strong
Years in Achona: 4
Favorite Memory: “Going to New York for the Press Conference. It was my first time going to New York so that itself was so fun. I got to attend workshops at Columbia University and just learn so much more about journalism. Everything over the years has been unforgettable.”
College: FSU
First Story: Snapchat Story
Last Story: Beyonce Scandal
Years in Achona: 2
Favorite Memory: “Being chosen to be an Editor and hanging out in the Editor-Room. I got to know the other Editors so much better.”
College: University of South Alabama
First Story: Service Day stories
Last Story: how well do you know academy seniors?
Years in Achona: 2
Favorite Memory:
College: Auburn
First Story: Stars
Last Story: Memorable moments of presidential race
Years in Achona: 4
Favorite Memory: “Everything really, I love the class. Its fun and I love to write, its almost relaxing rather than stressing me out. I get to be creative and I love having this wonderful group of seniors to have a good time with during class.”
College: St. Leo University
*** special guest: Creative Writing
- Miranda Plummer
Years in Journalism: 1
Favorite Memory: “Sitting in the Editor’s room when I’m not actually an editor. Basically watching Achona from the outside.”
College: University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Alejandra Lozano is a senior at the Academy, a fourth year journalist, and an Editor-in-Chief of the Achona. Her favorite subject is AP Lit and some of...