A Look Into Jaed’s Journey
January 18, 2018
Seymour has high hopes for the year 2018 with her new fitness regiment. Photo Credits: Jaed Seymour (used with permission)
The majority of New Year’s Resolutions have some correlation to starting a new and more healthy lifestyle. Jaed Seymour (‘18) is no exception to this observation. Seymour decided that in the year 2018, she is going to devote her free time to becoming a more healthy individual. This not only includes going to the gym, but in addition to exercise, Seymour has started new skin and hair care routines. She has also changed her diet to be more balanced and nutritious. Seymour also hopes to be more positive in the year 2018, with many motivational posts. In order to hold herself accountable of these resolutions, she created an Instagram account where she shares her daily routines, @jaedsjourney.

“I looked in the mirror and noticed that I didn’t feel good about myself and in that moment I knew I needed to make a change soon, or I would never do it,” said Seymour.
In just seven days, Seymour’s account reached just under 200 followers. Her posts consist of different ways she is living a healthy lifestyle. She elaborates on her workout routine in the gym daily, stressing the importance of staying hydrated and stretching as well as the exercise itself. Seymour also focuses on the importance of skincare, sharing some of her personal favorite products.

@jaedsjourney has inspired many students to get off of the couch and go exercise. Kenna Weathers (‘18) and Kylee Weathers (‘20) were on vacation in New York City when Seymour created the account, they felt so inspired by Seymour’s account that the two went and worked out.
“There are a lot of people who say they are going to exercise and make a change in their life, but Jaed made this account to hold herself accountable and show everyone how serious she is. That kind of dedication is truly an inspiration,” said Weathers (‘18).
Jaed’s Journey has even made its way to AHN alumni. Natalie Martinez (‘14) recently followed Seymour’s account. She then showed her mother the account, after seeing this her mother created a fitness account of her own.
“I have known Jaed for a couple years now, after my mom saw her page she loved the idea of being held to her resolution through the power of social media. What’s so amazing about this whole thing is that Jaed didn’t even have the intention of changing other people’s lives,” said Martinez.
MEGAN CIVIL • Jan 19, 2018 at 4:38 pm
So proud of you, Jaed!!