For the first time in school history, Academy was a full participant in the Gasparilla Children’s Parade on Saturday, January 21. Student Council leaders of both the elementary and high schools rode on the float accompanied by two Jaguar mascots. Anyone from the AHN community, including faculty, alumni, students, and their families, tagged along by walking next to the float.
Planning started back in September with the Academy’s request for a spot in the parade. Plans proposed for the float include blue and yellow banners that will hang from the chosen Academy “boat.”
The AHN float, tationed near the school at the beginning of the parade, was the sixth in line, thus creating an early spot in the procession. A large crowd of Academy supporters brought their own beads to throw and sport AHN spirit wear. Parade marchers wore T-shirts advertising the Academy float with the saying “AHN Walking the Bayshore Since 1881.”