All Saints Day Mass reminds us why we are here and to celebrate life

The celebration of All Saints Day was a wonderful success here at the Academy. The day commemorates all those who have died and is a national holiday in many catholic countries. Gathered together as an Academy family, mass started off with President Arthur Raimo. He recognized all those who are in Heaven and the love ones who have died. The mass was offered in the name of  former Pre-K and Kindergarten teacher Linda Koenig, who passed away earlier this year after a brave battle with cancer.

“We also want to remember all those who are in the joy of Heaven; names that we may not know. We want to remember all those people, Saints Day in the Church, and the people in our lives that have made such a difference.”

In his homily, Father Bruce Craig SBD, reminded us that we have been called by Christ to be a saint, and we are alive because God has put us here for a purpose.

“The purpose is that we be Saints, ” Father Bruce began.

“God created us to love him, to serve him, and to be with him forever. That is what a saint is.”

The mass finished with the Worship Band’s rendition “Gotta Get It,” which had everyone from the Pre-K students to the senior girls singing, dancing, and clapping. It was a lovely service and truly showed the family aspect of Academy.

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