School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa

Judge Delivers Larry Nassar’s Sentence

January 30, 2018

Photo Credit: Juliana Ferrie/Achona Online

Larry Nassar, a former doctor for the U.S. gymnastics team, sexually abused over 180 young women throughout his career.

On Jan. 24, 2018, Larry Nassar, who was tried for molesting his patients, was sentenced after a week long hearing. After listening to statements made by his victims, the court decided that Nassar would spend up to 175 years in prison for his crimes.

Brooke Jennings (‘19) said, “I believe that Nassar completely deserves the sentence he received. I can’t believe how many young women he hurt and how long he got away with this.”  

Under the guise of his position, Nassar sexually abused members of the American gymnastics team. In addition to the gymnasts affected, several other female athletes from various sports were abused by Nassar.

Although Judge Rosemarie Aquilina decided not to release Nassar’s letter, which he wrote in order to defend himself, the parts she chose to read in court depicted Nassar as unapologetic. Within the letter, Nassar defended his actions as being “medical, not sexual.”

Victoria Fuentes (‘20) said, “I think that it was important that the judge realized that Larry Nassar was completely in the wrong and that she criticized his plea for sympathy. He continued to hurt young women, and he did not care about the effects of his actions until he had to face the consequences.”

In total, over 150 women made statements in court detailing the abuse they experienced. The women revealed the extent of the physical and emotional strain caused by his actions as they addressed him directly.

Olympic medalists Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney, and Jordyn Wieber delivered  testimonies in court. Raisman and Wieber gave their statements in person, and Maroney’s statement was read on her behalf.

In her statement, Raisman said, “Larry, you do realize now that we, this group of women you so heartlessly abused over such a long period of time, are now a force and you are nothing. The tables have turned, Larry. We are here. We have our voices, and we are not going anywhere. And now, Larry, it’s your turn to listen to me.”

Maroney had previously brought accusations against Nassar. However, U.S.A. Gymnastics and the U.S. Olympic Committee kept Maroney from going public by paying her a settlement. In addition, Maroney was made to sign a nondisclosure agreement, which stated that she would be fined if she ever discussed her abuse. Maroney has now filed a lawsuit against U.S.A. Gymnastics and the U.S. Olympic Committee.

Nassar’s conviction has sparked an ongoing investigation in order to determine who knew about Nassar’s activities, as well as why they were allowed to continue. In addition, a few board members of U.S.A. Gymnastics, including former president Steve Penny, resigned from their positions after the allegations against Nassar were made.

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