As streaming sites return to the cable classic of releasing new episodes of their shows weekly, viewers can view holiday episodes again. (Photo Credit: Raquelle Elson/Adobre Fresco/Achona Online)
As streaming sites return to the cable classic of releasing new episodes of their shows weekly, viewers can view holiday episodes again.

Photo Credit: Raquelle Elson/Adobre Fresco/Achona Online

So holiday epsiodes… and other banter

December 19, 2022

Achona’s pop culture podcast “Banter by the Bay” makes its triumphant return with an episode (briefly) about holiday episodes! Editor-in-chief Raquelle Elson is joined by Seniors Sofia Girgenti and Madison Kwo to discuss their favorite episodes of holidays past and present. Digressions include Christmas movies, the Barbie Cinematic Universe, and upcoming senior events.

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