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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


  • Winter Signing Day 2/12
  • Junior Ring Ceremony 2/6
  • Career Day 1/28
  • High School Grandparents Day 1/27
School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa


Audrey Diaz

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief

Audrey Diaz is an Academy senior, a third-year journalist, and Editor-in-chief for Achona. Although she is slightly nervous for the pressures that accompany her position, she is confident in having support from her fellow editors. She has a passion for organization and planning as she feels it keeps her life in place, and loves any chance she can use it to help others. As a senior, Audrey is most excited about cherishing her year of “lasts”, and taking everything that Academy has taught her and applying it to her future. In school, Audrey is an Academy Ambassador, a cast member in the annual musical, and a member of Beta, English and Quill & Scroll National Honors Societies. Her favorite subject is AP Human Geography because it teaches her about the way the world works and the reasonings behind it.  When not at practice for the Jaguarettes Dance Team, Audrey can be found watching “Scandal“, researching conspiracy theories and crime scene investigations, drinking green tea, watching Corgi videos, or cuddling with her rescue chihuahua, Remi. She is weirdly good at remembering middle names, and peanut butter is her favorite “food group.” After graduating from college as a communications major, Audrey is interested in becoming a public relations specialist with a focus on crisis management for a government or entertainment corporation. In her future career, she hopes to find creative ways to help foster the relationships between her clients and the media.

All content by Audrey Diaz
Tickets to the event were $5 each. Photo Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

AHN Hosts Annual Hunger Banquet

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief
February 20, 2018
Prior to the ceremony, the class met in the iLab in order to ensure their outfits abided by the dress code rules. Photo Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

Best Dressed at Junior Ring 2018

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief
January 30, 2018
AP Literature Writes Slam Poems

AP Literature Writes Slam Poems

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-chief
November 17, 2017
When caught eating in class, students ask to finish their food outside. Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online

Questions That Only Academy Girls Ask

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief
November 1, 2017
According to Sharrieff, Lindsey Ulbricht is Marco's godmother. Credit: Talia Sharrieff (used with permission)

A(cat)emy Girls and Their Felines

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief
October 23, 2017
The endowment goal of the Class of 2018 is to raise at least $50,000. Photo Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online

Meet the Class of 2018’s Representatives

Audrey Diaz, Editor-in-Chief
September 28, 2017
The Class of 2021 is the largest incoming freshman class at Academy to date.

Class of 2021 Academy Impressions

Audrey Diaz, Editor-In-Chief
September 2, 2017
The Class of 2017 has received 13.5 million dollars in College Scholarships.

Senior Honors Convocation 2017

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
May 19, 2017
Mrs. Z too takes artsy photos after exercising! Credit: Rebecca Zambrano (used with permission)

Teachers: They’re Just Like Us!

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
May 15, 2017
Mr. Sloshberg also manages the famous band, Donezo. Credit: Audrey Diaz/Achona Online

Mr. Sloshberg’s Favorite Puns

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
April 6, 2017
"I was pleasantly surprised to learn that my absolute favorite snack, Uncrustables, was vegan!" says Junior Tabitha Rucker.

20 Surprisingly Vegan Snack Foods

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
March 7, 2017
Senior Olivia Valdes says, "I could be doing my homework then all of a sudden accidentally spend three hours petting my cat and watching One Tree Hill." Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

Things Only People With ADHD Understand

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
February 24, 2017
After placing 1st at Academy, Dolan will go on to the Florida state Finals, on Saturday, March 11, at the oval theatre at University of South Florida, and will be open to public.

Poetry Out Loud 2017

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
February 2, 2017
On inauguration day, temperatures dropped all the way to 37 degrees. Credit: Evan Greek (used with permission)

Evan Greek Attends Inuaguration

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
January 27, 2017
This year, Junior ring happens to fall on the same day as Inauguration day for President-elect Donald Trump. Credit: Riley Gillis

Do’s and Don’ts of Junior Ring

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
January 9, 2017
Fun fact: Pantelis taught third grade for three years prior to becoming the guidance counselor at AHN. Credit: Emily Pantelis

28 Questions with Ms. Emily Pantelis

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
November 15, 2016
Vegans pride themselves of their ability to eat in abundance, purely because the diet consists of eating what one's body is made to process. Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

5 Tips for Going Vegan with Morgan Salzsieder

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
November 7, 2016
Senior Haley Schumann states, "Not only do I know Academy has given me skills that will be useful after I graduate, but it has also given me friends of whom I will always consider to be sisters for the rest of my life." Credit: Sofia Varon (A' 16)

Life Skills You Learn From Going to AHN

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
November 1, 2016
Your average Halo Top pint is less than 300 calories, so there's no guilt in eating the entire pint! Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

The Ice Cream Cleanse Phenomenon

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
October 24, 2016
Junior Amber Pedregal states, "I think it's really cool that so many AHN alums have returned to Academy to teach. It really shows what a special place the school is for so many former students to want to return." Credit: Paige Mangan

Four AHN Alums Return “Home” to AHN

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
October 18, 2016
Set 1 forensics students watch 'The Case of: JonBenet Ramsey' to determine what investigators did wrong in the original case.

‘The Case of: JonBenĂ©t Ramsey’ Recap

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
September 26, 2016
During Trunk or Treat, this narrow hallway is transformed into a haunted house.

Secret spots at AHN you never knew existed

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
September 16, 2016
This school year celebrates Raimo's 5th year as Academy's President. Credit: Audrey Diaz/ Achona Online

Mr. Art Raimo: A Day in the Life

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
September 8, 2016
The Class of 2020 carries on the hallway-congesting tradition!

Class of 2020: Freshman Perspectives

Audrey Diaz, Junior Staff Writer
August 19, 2016
Sophomore McKenna Weathers clams, "What I loved most about sophomore year is that I felt our grade finally formed a sisterhood."

Sophomore Year in Perspective

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 31, 2016
Seniors Remi Storch and Caroline Swenson pose after helping to clean up their senior prank mess.

Senior Fun Day

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 23, 2016
As Academy's technology specialist, Mrs. Deborah Collins especially gets tired of hearing excuses such as  students not bringing their iPads or computers that are not updated! Credit: Audrey Diaz

Things teachers are tired of hearing

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 12, 2016
Dogs have big personalities just like all of our teachers here at AHN, this is what makes them so lovable!

If Teachers Were Dogs

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
May 2, 2016
Junior Lexie Diez shows her excitement before entering the Richard Rogers Theater to see the show. Credit: Lexie Diez  (used with permission)

AHN’s Favorite Broadway Shows

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
April 22, 2016
Junor Megan Przedpelski shows off her Fitbit Charge HR.

10 Things Only Fitbit Owners Understand

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
April 18, 2016
Sophomore Maddie Obregon states, "I'm so exited that the art of dance will begin a new name here at Academy." Credit: Maddie Obregon

AHN’s First National Dance Honors Society

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
April 8, 2016
Lincoln Rodriguez enjoying the view from Bayshore. Credit: instagram- @lincolns_bark

Teacher’s Pets (Updated)

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
March 4, 2016
Mini Donut Factory is located on 2109 S Dale Mabry Highway (six minutes from AHN!) Credit: Maddy Ruppel (used with permission.)

South Tampa’s Mini Donut Factory

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 29, 2016
Chase has been teaching for over thirty years, and  twenty one of them have been at Academy. Credit: Audrey Diaz

Life advice according to Mrs. Beth Chase

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 19, 2016
Sophomores Mia Lopez and Alexa Traviesa practice ground balls while preparing for the upcoming lacrosse season. Credit: Alexa Traviesa (used with permission)

Feelings You Have When You Don’t Make the Team

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
February 5, 2016
Alan Rickman attends the BAFTA hosted A Life in Pictures with Alan Rickman event on April 15, 2015 in London. The actor has died from cancer at age 69, his family said on Jan. 14, 2016.

Harry Potter’s Alan Rickman dies at age 69

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
January 27, 2016
Originating in Japan, Ramen is a wheat- based noodle soup. It is common to add
 meat or vegetables to the bowl.

Tampa’s next big thing: Ramen

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
January 18, 2016
"Every year we go to Mass  dressed really fancy. Then we go back to my Aunt's house and throughout the night we're peeling off layers and adding yoga pants and Christmas essentially we end up in Christmas sweaters."

Awkward Family Encounters Over the Holidays

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
December 9, 2015
Everyone loves a minty smell for the christmas season.

[Photo] ACHONA’s Gift Ideas

Karlee Nipper, Feature’s Editor
December 9, 2015
The best way to stop getting distracted by apps is to delete them.

Tips on Staying Focused During Class

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
November 30, 2015
Sophomores Gretchen Swenson, Evelyn Martinez, and Julia Lavoy admire the lake. Credit: Audrey Diaz

The Class of 2018 Sophomore Retreat

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
October 28, 2015
Sophomores Audrey Diaz and McKenna Weathers on the front lawn. Photo Credits: Audrey Diaz

10 Signs You Go To AHN

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 25, 2015
Sophomore Maddie Obregon exclaims, "My favorite part of the lounge is that there is a place to study with friends that is not the floor!"

Academy’s Newest Addition: The 2nd Floor Lounge

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 21, 2015
Sister Ann observing and asking questions in a junior World Religions class.

A Day in the Life of Sister Ann Regan

Audrey Diaz, Sophomore Staff Writer
September 15, 2015
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School newspaper of Academy of the Holy Names, Tampa
Audrey Diaz