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By the Bay Auction features fantastic items!

By the Bay Auction features fantastic items!

Would you like to watch a concert for Alicia Keys and Rihanna in a suite?  Take a trip to Cabo San Lucas?  Be a Ball Girl for the Tampa Bay Rays?  Then tell your parents and grandparents to attend the Black and White themed By the Bay Auction on Saturday evening, March 2!

For the first time in ten years, the auction will take place off campus.  The new scenery of the Grand Hyatt will be a refreshing change to parents, alumni, and faculty who annually attend the auction.  All the funds will benefit the Annual Fund, which both directly or indirectly affects every student in the school.

Mrs. JoAnne Linkner, Director of Special Events and Annual Fund, looks to the annual auction as vital to raising money. “The Annual Fund supports everything from academics to athletics, technology to fine arts, and facilities to tuition.”

The Advancement Office staff, aided by more than 50 parent volunteers, have been working hard to coordinate the decor, food, and auction items.  Their goal this year is to raise $300,000.

Many fabulous items will be featured in the auction.  Some others include the chance to participate in an exclusive Tampa Bay Lightning Experience with a Zamboni ride and two tickets to the 2014 Superbowl, along with the traditional, beautiful grade-level baskets and projects.


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By the Bay Auction features fantastic items!