AHN family reunites to celebrate Feast of the Epiphany

Photo Credit: Kristina Kennedy

For these Seniors, the back to school Christmas Mass begins their semester of “lasts” before Graduation.

To open the new year in the name of Jesus, the Academy community gathered January 6 in the Brady Center to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.

Mr. Art Raimo, President of Academy, opened the Mass by welcoming back the faculty and student body.  Raimo reminded the students to enjoy the lessons and experience that would transpire in the coming months.  He especially encouraged the senior class to take full advantage of the semester, since it would be their last at AHN.

Father Bruce Craig, SDB, celebrated the Mass, and reminded the congregation of the meaning of the Feast of the Epiphany.  Father Bruce stressed the meaning of the Holy Spirit manifesting within each of us.  Father also mentioned how Jesus uses others to let his presence be known .

“Where do we see Jesus? Where will you see Jesus today? He is constantly speaking to us. When we see someone who needs food or asking for a couple dollars on the highway, that’s Jesus speaking to us. Giving us something to do to make his presence known.”

Fr. Bruce stressed the importance of helping others through the smallest of actions.  Inspired by the homily of Fr. Bruce, Academy students, faculty, and parents left the Mass with a feeling of duty to help those in need this new year.